Sunday, May 24, 2020

Q. Tarantinos Use of Different Film Elements in Kill...

Q. Tarantinos Use of Different Film Elements in Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction Quentin Tarantino has used the lightning, colour, sound, camera, mise-en-scene, iconography, speed of editing and special effects in Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction to make the audience want to carry on watching. These film elements have been used very effectively by the director in the openings of both films to build audience interest. The first aspect – lightning was very helpful in building interest in Kill Bill. The opening scene of Kill Bill is in black and white. It was originally coloured but the critics have decided that the blood which appears in this scene is too offensive and have†¦show more content†¦When the audience thinks about the stereotypical wedding, they would expect happy, excited and perhaps nervous atmosphere, lots of bright, warm colors and people around with smiles on their faces talking about the fabulous ceremony and the two families being joined. This is why the situation is very confusing for the audience – it happens rather seldom, or does not happen at all, that the bride is cruelly beaten up during her own wedding, the whole thing does not meet the audience’s expectations regarding ‘a wedding’. This also effectively gets the audience to want-to- watch to look for an explanation – why did this happen? How did the situation get so bad that the bride is killed on her own wedding†¦? The color in the opening of Pulp Fiction does not tell the audience a lot about what could eventually happen. The scene is set in a bar, possibly a cafà © where breakfast/dinner is served. The colors are not contrastive nor bright or attention-grabbing because they give a sense of casualty and every day life. The woman wears a purple top, the man has jeans and a Hawaiian shirt on. Again, it shows the reality and the aspects of every day life – dressed normally because nothing special is going to happen. In Kill Bill the only colours are black and white. The scene was made black and white partly due to censorship issues and for dramatic effect. Looking at the effect of theShow MoreRelatedRole of Violence in the History of Cinema987 Words   |  4 Pagesa litany of films that have imagery or plots that include violent acts. However, their different directorial visions and styles make it so that Hitchcock and Tarantino films are nothing alike. This is because Hitchcocks obje ctive was to make the audience feel afraid, tense, and anxious for the protagonist, whereas Tarantinos objective is to illustrate the absurdity of violence by elevating the macabre to the level of humor. Both Hitchcock and Tarantino are brilliant directors who use violence in

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