Thursday, December 26, 2019

Different levels of strategy - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1549 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? STRATEGY Michael Porter defines strategy in terms of competitive strategy which is about being different. He argues that strategy is being in a competitive position, being different in the eyes of the customer, and adding value through a combination of activities that are different from those of competitors. BUSINESS STRATEGY In these days strategy is become the art of controlling and utilizing the resources of a company. Strategy is all theseà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬it is perspective, position, plan, and pattern. Strategy is the bridge between policy or high-order goals on the one hand and tactics or concrete actions on the other. How to run the business, possible threats or opportunities are in business strategy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Different levels of strategy" essay for you Create order Different Levels of strategy There are three different levels of strategy which are corporate, business, operational strategy. Corporate Strategy is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the business to meet stakeholder expectations. This is a crucial level since it is heavily influenced by investors in the business and acts to guide strategic decision-making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is often stated explicitly in a mission statement. Business Unit Strategy is concerned more with how a business competes successfully in a particular market. It concerns strategic decisions about choice of products, meeting needs of customers, gaining advantage over competitors, exploiting or creating new opportunities etc. Operational Strategy is concerned with how each part of the business is organised to deliver the corporate and business-unit level strategic direction. Operational strategy therefore focuses on issues of resources, processes, people etc I am chairman of Sainsbury. Thi s is in Birmingham. This is retailing store where we sell all things like grocery, fresh food, clothes etc. Internal and external scan SWOT analysis Strength Strength of the business is considered such as its resources and how they are performing in particular market. Some company has good marketing and some has good productivity. So all these are strength of the company. Weakness Every business has got weakness. Weakness mean at what point business is not doing good called their weakness. Some business got problem in their productivity etc and these are their weakness. We have got marketing problem. We are not getting customers which we were supposed to. Opportunities Opportunities are always in market for the business. For example we have got opportunity that in future we may improve our market because our economy is recovering from recession. Threats Opportunities and threats for the company are always in market. Threats may be in the type of inflation or current legislation issues. When company make strategies they have to care about possible threats in future. PEST analysis Political All business depends on the nature of local politicians. Policies of business always effect local business. Some government support not only local trade but also international trade as well. Policies of UK government are always very supportive for retiling market. We got lower taxes at our trade. Economic Economic factors always affect the business. If the economy situation of the company will be good then business will be more expanded and more investors will like to invest money in that economy. Sainsbury is retailing store and in UK people tend to buy all things under one roof quite beneficial for us. Social Social factors play a vital role in any business. What type of business should be open and how we are going to run according to local society always a major factor. Technological How business will be in particular market always depend on latest technology. We have got latest technology like super fast computer etc to reduce time. Strategic initiatives Strategic initiatives are first planning of organization. When an organization identify problem then they make strategy to solve them. Strategic initiatives are something like main goal which organization wants to achieve. In my company I have found that we have very poor marketing. So our strategy is to improve our marketing by taking different approaches. Objectives of the strategy Objectives are goals of the organization. When organization make strategy means they are planning to achieve one target. To achieve this target there are so many objectives. After achieving these objectives we can make our strategy successful. We have got many objectives like Advertise our products Make the price lower than other competitors Introduce new policies to attract customers Improve our customer care department Improve the quality of products in store Required actions for strategy After analysing our problem in organization through internal and external scan we make strategy and to make this strategy successful we have to ach9eve some objectives and to achieve the objectives we need to take actions and these actions are called required actions. In first to advertise us we need to give our advertisement in internet and in newspapers. In this way more people will come to know about us. We need to analyse our market very carefully and need to make the prices of our products lower than competitors in order to attract more customers. We need to bring new policies where customers should be given first place in company. We need to issue Sainsbury cards and on these cards customers should give discount and if they want to pay after some time, this facility should be given on card. If customer dissatisfy we should have flexible our policy and should give total refund to customer to make him happy. Resources required To make the strategy successful and achieve cadmic goals we need resources which may be in form of money etc. In my company we have got good resources like Money, Building, Broad Parking Space, Employees, Latest technology Assessment of the strategy After imposing strategy we analyse that how far our strategy will be successful. In other words we predict the success of strategy. I predict that we will be able to improve our market by 33%. Before this was only 12% but we hope that we will be able to improve our market by 33%. Outcomes of the strategy Outcomes are result of the strategy. What will be conclusion of the strategy is very important for any organization. Outcome of our strategy was 30%. We able to improve our market by 30% and this were ok for us. Continuous improvement in strategy In this section we analyse our strategy and see whether we have got results which we were accepting or not. We see where we got problems in our strategy and take further actions to solve them. Recommendation Sainsbury is retailing store and in recent years its market has been down. I personally went in public and ask then what they think about our company and I was surprised that half of them think that we are more expensive than our competitors and we dont have good customers policies like refund etc. I recommend that first of all we should make our prices low. This may be very difficult process because it has direct effect on our profit but in order to improve our market and attract more customers we definitely need this. We need to issue new Sainsbury cards which will be more improved than previous one and need to provide more facilities on cards. We need to advertise our new and modified company with lower prices and good customer policies. We can advertise through TV, internet, newspaper etc. In this way more people will come to know about our company and will be attracted. We need to analyse our competitors in market and see how well they are doing in market and what net policies they are bringing and how they will affect us. So in this way will not only improve our marketing but also will also increase our productivity. Conclusion Strategy Strategy is the direction and scope over long period which get benefit for the company by its managing of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations There are three different levels of strategy which are corporate, business, operational strategy. In Internal and external scan we analyse PEST and SWOT. Strategic initiatives are first planning of organization. When an organization identify problem then they make strategy to solve them. Objectives are goals of the organization. When organization make strategy means they are planning to achieve one target. After analysing our problem in organization through internal and external scan we make strategy and to make this strategy successful we have to ach9eve some objectives and to achieve the objectives we need to take actions and these actions are called required actions. To make the strategy successful and achieve cadmic goals we need resources which may be in form of money etc. After imposing strategy we analyse that how far our strategy will be successful. In other words we predict the success of strategy. Outcomes are result of the strategy. What will be conclusion of the strategy is very important for any organization. In continues improvement we analyse our strategy and see whether we have got results which we were accepting or not. We see where we got problems in our strategy and take further actions to solve them In last I would like to say that any company can be successful only when it has smooth relation with government and local society. By taking this strategy we were able to improve our marketing.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Sports Of Intercollegiate And Interscholastic Sports

Intercollegiate and Interscholastic sports have become today’s most popular sporting events in the southeastern part of the United States, which have force sports networks such as the Eastern Sport Network (ESPN) and Sports South Network (SSN) to broadcast the majority of the sporting events several times a week. These networks are spending billions of dollars to ensure that the collegiate and high school sports industries are popular and fulfilling to society. Sitkowski (2008) stated that the pressure to win and the thought of making large amount of revenue have force colleges and high schools to concentrate on finance, instead of their educational mission. In addition, Duderstandt (1996) believed colleges and high schools have allowed television and the constant desire for visibility to distort the nature of competitive sports. The college and high school coaches, as well as athletic directors are experiencing pressure from the alumni, fans and administration to win now not later, which has created a conflict between the academic and athletic communities on many campuses. Even though television networks like ESPN and SSN has turn intercollegiate and interscholastic athletics into prime time events, many universities and secondary schools are continuing to promote the mission of their institution which is to educate young men and women (Duderstandt, 1996). Stenson (2004) believed that the pressure to win in sports at any cost has caused some athletes simple to burnShow MoreRelated Title IX and Impacts on Womens Education Essay examples1160 Words   |  5 Pagesgiving schools the flexibility to choose sports based on student body interest, geographic influence, budget restraints, and gender ratio. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Im Going to Mums Directed by Lauren Jackson Essay Example For Students

Im Going to Mums Directed by Lauren Jackson Essay In the short film Im Going to Mums?, the director, Lauren Jackson forms the film through different aspects such as soundtrack, camera work and symbols. The second act is a good example of these aspects. I chose this act because it portrayed how the director shows divorce through a Childs perspective, also how Jacob takes action against his parents to stop using him and his clothes to argue with each other. In the second act it focuses on Jacob rebelling against his parents. One aspect that stood out for me was the soundtrack. In this act the soundtrack is a fast Pacifica drumming and it creates suspense. For example when Jacob runs outside and his dad follows him the music is playing then when Jacob falls on the ground and his dad yells that Jacob should listen to him the music stops, this helps to give the feeling of shock and intensifies the scenes tension. This also relates to the scene were Jacobs mum is taking his clothes off and the soundtrack starts slow and slowly gets faster and faster then when his mum finishes takings all of his shirts off the music stops. This also gives tension to the scene because the audience doesnt know if Jacob will wake up and the how the soundtrack speeds up it makes the audience more anxious and when the music stops it gives the feeling of relief The reason the director did this, was so the audience get a better effect of the scenes. Another aspect that I looked at in act 2 and 3 was camerawork. At the start of act 3, we see the start of the scene through a low angle, keyhole view shot to give the effect of seeing the scene through Jacobss eyes while hes wearing a balaclava. Lauren Jackson did this because it makes the audience feel like they are watching the start of the scene through Jacobss eyes. This scene relate to when Jacob is watching his parents argue through the gap in the door and turns to the camera and tilts it down, that signifies that Jacob has had enough and wants his parents to stop arguing with each other. The final, and what I think is the most important aspect of the film, are the symbols. The main symbol is the clothes because they represent the baggage that the parents have with each other for example when Jacob walks into his mums living room she says that he can wear his cool shirt to his dads cause its only clothes so Jacob starts to take his shirts off then his mum says that if his dad shrinks it he can pay for another one so Jacob quickly puts his shirts back on because he is tired of those little comments that his mum or dad makes. This scene also connects to the end scene were Jacobs dad is at his mums house and they are sitting outside and when Jacob sees that his parents are laughing he looks straight at the camera like they finally are getting along better then he walks outside in just his underwear, this gives the effect that the baggage that the parents have with each other are nearly gone. This gives Jacob the feeling of that he finally won and got his parents to get along better then at the start of the film. In conclusion, looking at the aspects of soundtrack, camera work and symbols helped me understand how Jacob felt while his parents were arguing and left me with the sense of a happy ending.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Leading With The Heart Essays - Mike Krzyzewski, Leadership

Leading With The Heart I. Preseason Ch. 1: Getting Organized Establish right away in the first meeting the only rule for the team: Dont do anything thats detrimental to yourself. Because if its detrimental to you, itll be detrimental to our program... (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.4). Dont dwell on it, so it does not ruin the moment. Recruit individuals who want to be part of a team and who are cacheable. Use plural pronouns from the very first meeting on. Use the words our instead of my, we instead of I, and us instead of me. Leadership on a team is plural, not singular. Make sure you are not the only one speaking in meetings, especially the first one, to demonstrate the principal of were all important (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.7). Include players, assistants, trainers, and team managers. Time Management During the first meeting, hand out notebooks and pocket calendars with important dates listed, such as practice times, special events, and game schedule. Teach time management, not only as it relates to individuals, but as it pertains to a group (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.18). Academics Remind athletes to tell professors of their schedules, when they will be missing class, and their plans on what to do for getting the materials they missed. Encourage the athletes to get the total university life experience. That is why there are no athletic dorms, so there is no separation between the athletes and student body. Stress the honor in academics and all things. Rules The rule dont do anything detrimental to yourself covers a wide variety of things. Establishing too many rules gets in the way of leadership. Dont be a team of I gotchas (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.10). Leadership is ongoing, adjustable, flexible and dynamic, and so it allows the leader to have discretion. No hard and fast rule gives the leader the flexibility in different situations and provides the latitude to lead (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.11). Support System Set up a family support system for your team. Its like getting a shot to keep away jealousy (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.12). Distribute laminated cards to each individual with the phone numbers of staff and fellow players. Remind them to call somebody when theyre in harms way. A Handshake Deal Make handshake deals with players during the recruiting process, and tell them of the fair but not equal policy, which means be fair in everything that you do, but players will not be equal with regard to on-the-court playing time. A handshake deal means there are no hidden agendas, everything is straight up. Mutual commitment helps people overcome the fear of failure - especially when people are part of a team sharing and achieving goals (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.15). This commitment to each other allows for open lines of communication. Talk with the players regularly about their personal lives to show you care. Ongoing communication enforces the handshake (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.16). Each year brings with it a new team, a new set of personalities, and a new set of skills. So each year you have to coach differently. Each team has to run its own race (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.17). Ch 2: Building Your Team Talent When you first assemble a group, its not a team right off the bat. Its only a collection of individuals (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.19). Assembling skillful individuals as part of the team is a given in order to succeed Employ really good, smart people who want to be part of an organization. Not yes people, but people that will tell you the truth, no matter if it is good or bad. All assistants should want to be a top leader in the future. That way theyll want to learn and grow. Dont force an individual into a job description. Rather, they should fit each individual so that his/her strengths are best utilized. Never let a persons weaknesses get in the way of his strength (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.25). At the end of each year go through an appraisal and reevaluation process. Rotate responsibilities if needed. Trusting Relationships The level of cooperation on any team increases tremendously as the level of trust rises (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.26). Bonds must be formed between all members of the team, from player to player, player to coach, coach to coach, player to manager, etc.... A framework of leadership has to be created so that the wheel is sustained if something happens to the hub (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.27). This is accomplished by developing trusting relationships among everyone. Leaders have to give time for relationships. A Winning Attitude A real winning attitude is about standards of excellence - which are variable from