Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Just-In-Time Inventory Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Just-In-Time Inventory Management - Assignment Example An automated inventory replenishment system would also aid in quick responses to reduced inventory levels. The manner through which firms arrange their human resource and jobs for functionality is known as the organizational structure. The best organizational structure is determined by various factors such as the nature of work, number of employees, and range of businesses. A small physician’s office may use a line organizational structure where there are only direct and vertical relationships between its various levels. The board of directors, physician (medical director), office manager, nurse practitioners, accountant, medical staff, and orderlies all fall underline departments. These departments are directly involved in achieving the primary goal of the office. The line organizational structure simplifies and clarifies authority, responsibility, and accountability relationships. Fast decision making is also promoted. A hospital with one large facility in a city may use the line and staff organizational structure. This structure is suitable due to the need for direct, vertical relationships between various levels as well as specialists that are tasked with providing advice to line managers. The hospital will have both staff and line departments, where the former will provide the latter with guidance and help in specialized areas. Lastly, a major, nationwide insurance company will use the divisional organizational structure that is usually adopted by big firms that cover a wide geographical area. Moreover, the company will have separate smaller divisions within the umbrella organization to cover different market areas. In this structure, the company can have a different basis for forming departments, such as; function, product, and geographic territory.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Controlling Of The Human Behaviour Philosophy Essay

Controlling Of The Human Behaviour Philosophy Essay The simply way out is to distribute with the industrial-technological scheme on the whole. This implies insurrection, not essentially an armed revolution, excluding surely a radical as well as fundamental modify in the natural world of society. Citizens tend to take for granted that because a insurrection involves a lot better change than reform does, it is more hard to carry about than reform is. In fact, below certain circumstances revolution is a lot easier than reform. The cause is that an innovative movement can motivate an intensity of obligation that a reform organization cannot inspire. A reform movement simply offers to resolve a exacting social difficulty A innovative movement offers to resolve all trouble at one stroke as well as produce a entire new world; it provides the type of ideal for which citizens will take huge risks plus make great sacrifices. In support of this reasons it would be a lot easier to bring down the entire technological system than to put effectual, everlasting restraints on the growth of request of any one division of technology, such as inherited engineering, however under suitable circumstances huge numbers of citizens may offer themselves single-mindedly to a insurrection aligned with the industrial-technological system. Reformers looking for to limited sure aspects of technology would be operational to avoid a negative result. Although revolutionaries work to increase an authoritative prize completion of their revolutionary vision as well as therefore work harder plus more constantly than reformers do. Reform is constantly reserved by the terror of hurting consequences if changes go too faraway. Other than once a revolutionary passion has taken clasp of a society, citizens are ready to experience unlimited hardships intended for the sake of their insurgency. This was obviously shown in the French as well as Russian Revolutions. It might be that in such personal belongings just a minority of the populace is really dedicated to the revolution, however this minority is satisfactorily large as well as active so that it becomes the leading force in society. As the establishment of civilization, prepared societies have had to place pressures on human beings of the sake of the performance of the social creature. The kinds of pressures vary really from one society to one more. A number of the pressures are substantial, several are psychological. In the history, human natural history has been about constant or at whichever rate has diverse just within positive bounds. Therefore, societies have been capable to push citizens merely up to certain restrictions. While the perimeter of human patience has been passed, things begin going incorrect: insurgence, or crime, or corruption, or avoidance of work, or despair along with other mental trouble, or an important death velocity, or a flagging birth rate or somewhat else, so that moreover the society breaks downwards, or its execution becomes too incompetent as well as it is (rapidly or gradually, from side to side conquest, eating away or evolution) replaces by a number of extra well-organized fo rm of society. Thus human character has in the history put certain restrictions on the growth of societies. Citizens could be pressed just so far as well as no farther. Except today this might be changing, for the reason that modern technology is developing means of modifying human beings. Visualize a society that subjects citizens to circumstances that make them terribly gloomy, as well as after that gives them the drugs to get away their sadness. It is previously experience to various extents in society. It is glowing known that the tempo of clinical hopelessness had been deeply increasing in current decades. It is supposed that this is appropriate to disturbance for the authority procedure. But still if one is in the wrong, the rising rate of depression is surely the consequence of a number of conditions that survive in todays society. as an alternative of removing the situation that make citizens depressed, contemporary society gives them antidepressant drugs. In consequence, antidepressants region a means of modifying an individuals interior state in such a technique as to allow him to stand social circumstances that he would or else find impossible. Drugs that have an effect on the mind are only one instance of the methods of domineering human activities that con temporary society is developing. Let us come across at a number of the other methods. To start off with, there are the techniques of observation. Hidden video cameras are at the present used in most stores as well as in many other places, computers are old to collect as well as process vast amounts of in sequence with reference to individuals. Information so obtained very much increase the efficiency of physical compulsion (i.e., law enforcement).Then convenient are the methods of misinformation, intended for which the mass communication media give effectual vehicles. Well-organized techniques have been developed for charming elections, selling commodities, influencing public view. The entertainment industry serves as a significant psychological instrument of the system, perhaps yet at what time it is dishing out huge amounts of sex along with violence. Entertainment provides contemporary man with an vital means of get away. Although fascinated in television, videos, and so on, they can not remember stress, anxiety, aggravation, dissatisfaction. A lot of primitive working class, while they dont have work to do, are rather contented to sit intended for hours at a time performance nothing at all, on behalf of the reason that they are at peace by means of themselves as well as their world. But mainly modern citizens must be continuously engaged or entertained, or else they get bored, i.e., they acquire fidgety, anxious, bad-tempered. Other techniques hit deeper that the previous. Education is no longer a easy affair of paddling a kids at the back when they doesnt know his lessons along with patting him on the head while they does know them. It is suitable a scientific technique intended for overprotective the childs development. Sylvan Learning Centres, for instance, have had huge achievement in exciting children to study, plus psychological techniques are also used among more or not as much of success in a lot of conservative schools. Parenting techniques that are qualified to parents are intended to make children believe fundamental standards of the system as well as behave in habits that the system finds attractive. Mental health programs, interference techniques, psychotherapy along with so forth are apparently designed to promote individuals, but in preparation they more often than not serve as methods for suggest individuals to think plus perform as the system requires. Child mistreatment in its gross as we ll as understandable forms is disapproved in mainly if not every one cultures. Tantalizing a child intended for a unimportant reason or no reason at all is a little that appals approximately everyone. But a lot of psychologists interpret the idea of abuse little more broadly. Is spanking, when worn as part of a sensible as well as reliable system of regulation, a structure of abuse? The question will eventually be determined by whether or not perfect tends to create behaviour that makes a being fit in well by means of the existing system of society. In preparation, the phrase abuse tends to be interpreted to comprise some method of child-rearing that produces performance not convenient for the system. Accordingly, when they go further than the avoidance of obvious, pointless cruelty, programs for preventing child abuse are concentrating toward the control of human performance of the system. Most probably, research will carry on increasing the efficiency of psychological techniques intended for overprotective human behaviour. However it is consideration to be unlikely that psychological techniques unaccompanied will be enough to regulate human beings to the type of society that expertise is creating. Biological methods almost certainly will have to be used. The study has previously mentioned the use of drugs in this association. Neurology might provide other avenues of modifying the human intelligence. Genetic engineering of human beings is previously beginning to happen in the appearance of gene therapy, as well as there is no motive to assume such methods will not finally be used to adjust those aspects of the remains that have an effect on mental functioning. Manufacturing society seems probable to be towards the inside a period of severe pressure, due in fraction to trouble of human behaviour as well as in part to economic plus environmental trouble. Along with a substantial amount of the systems economic as well as environmental effort result from the technique human beings act. Alienation, low self-worth, depression, aggression, rebellion; children who wont study, childhood gangs, against the law drug use, rape, child abuse , other crimes, dangerous sex, teen pregnancy, inhabitants growth, political corruption, race detestation, racial rivalry, bitter ideological disagreement (i.e., pro-choice vs. pro-life), opinionated extremism, terrorism, damage, anti-government groups, revulsion groups. All these intimidate the very continued existence of the system. The system will be strained to use each practical resources of controlling human behaviour. The social disturbance that can be seen today is surely not the consequence of simple chance. It can only be a effect for the situation of life that the system imposes on citizens. If the systems do well in impressive sufficient manage over human behaviour to guarantee its own continued existence, a new division in human history will have approved. Whereas previously the restrictions of human staying power have required restrictions on the development of societies, industrial-technological society will be capable to go by those restrictions by modifying human beings, whether by psychological methods otherwise biological methods or together. In the prospect, social systems will not be familiar to outfit the needs of human beings. In its place, human being will be familiar to ensemble the needs of the system. Usually speaking, technological manage over human behaviour will almost certainly not be introduced with a authoritarian meaning or even from side to side a conscious longing to restrict human independence. Every new step in the declaration of control in excess of the human mind will be taken as a based on reason response to a trouble that faces society, for instance curing alcoholism, reducing the crime velocity or suggest young people to study science plus engineering. In a lot of cases, there will be humanitarian explanation. Such as, when a psychiatrist prescribes an anti-depressant intended for a depressed patient, obviously doing that person a favour. It would be inhumane to hold back the drug starting an important person who needs it. When parentà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s placement their kids to Sylvan Learning Centres to have them manipulated into attractive excited about their studies, they do so on or after concern for their childrens interests. It can be that a qu antity of these parents desire that one didnt have to have particular training to get a job as well as that their kid didnt have to be brainwashed into becoming a computer nerd. However what can they do? They cant change society, as well as their child might be unemployable if he doesnt have positive skills. So they post him to Sylvan. Therefore control in excess of human behaviour will be introduced not by a intended decision of the establishment but through a procedure of social development (fast evolution, however). The procedure will be not possible to resist, for the reason that each advance, careful by it, will come into view to be valuable, or at smallest amount the evil concerned in making the press forward will come into view to be beneficial, or at smallest amount the evil concerned in creation the advance will appear to be less than that which would result since not making it. Propaganda such as is used for a lot of good purposes, such as off-putting child abuse or race hatred. Sex education is visibly useful, yet the result of sex education (to the amount that it is successful) is to take the determining of sexual attitudes absent from the family as well as put it into the hands of the state as represented through the public school system. Assume a biological attribute is discovered that increases the probability that a child will raise up to be a criminal plus suppose some sort of genetic material therapy can take out this trait. Of course most parents whose children contain the trait will have them experience the therapy. It would be inhumane to do or else, since the child would almost certainly have a depressed life if he grew up to be a criminal. Except many or largely primitive societies have a small crime rate in assessment with that of society, still though they have neither modern methods of child-rearing nor insensitive systems of punishment. Because there is no motive to presume that more modern men than primitive men have native greedy tendencies, the high crime rate of society must be due to the pressures that contemporary conditions put on people, to which a lot of cannot or will not adjust. Thus a action designed to remove possible criminal tendencies is at smallest amount in part a way of re-engineering citizens so that they suit the desires of the system. The society tends to look upon as a sickness several mode of deliberation or behaviour that is not convenient for the system as well as this is reasonable for the reason that when an individual doesnt fit into the system it causes hurt to the person as well as trouble for the system. Thus the direction of a person to regulate him to the organization is seen as a cure intended for a sickness as well as therefore as good. The study and points out that if the use of a original item of technology is originally optional, it does not automatically remain non-compulsory, because the innovative technology tends to modify society in such a means that it becomes hard or not possible for an individual to purpose without by means of that technology. This applies also to the knowledge of human behaviour. In a humankind in which mainly children are put through a program to make them excited in relation to studying, a parent will approximately be forced to put his kid throughout such a program, for the reason that if he does not, subsequently the kid will grow up to be, moderately speaking, an ignoramus as well as therefore unemployable. Or expect a biological behaviour is exposed that, without unwanted side-effects, will very much reduce the psychological stress as of which so many citizens suffer in their society. Conclusion: If huge numbers of citizens choose to experience the treatment, then the universal level of stress in society will be concentrated, so that it will be probable intended for the system to augment the stress-producing pressures. Actually, a little like this seems to have happened by now with one of the societys mainly important psychological equipment for enabling citizens to reduce (or at least temporarily run away from) stress, namely, mass activity. Use of mass activity is optional: No law requires us to watch TV, pay attention to the radio, read magazines. Up till now mass activity is a means of escape as well as stress-reduction on which mainly of us have become dependent relative. Everybody complains concerning the trashiness of TV, but approximately everyone watches it. A small number of have kicked the TV habit, except it would be a uncommon person who could acquire along today with no by means of some form of mass activity. Without the entertainment industry the organization a lmost certainly would not have been capable to get absent with putting as a great deal stress-producing stress on us as it does.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Rudyard Kipling :: Essays Papers

Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling, born in Bombay, India, on December 30, 1865, made a significant contribution to English Literature in various genres including poetry, short story and novel. His birth took place in an affluent family with his father holding the post of Professor of Architectural Sculpture at the Bombay School of Art and his mother coming from a family of accomplished women. He spent his early childhood in India where an "aya" took care of him and where under her influence he came in direct contact with the Indian culture and traditions. His parents decided to send him to England for education and so at the young age of five he started living in England with Madam Rosa, the landlady of the lodge he lived in, where for the next six years he lived a life of misery due to the mistreatment - beatings and general victimization - he faced there. Due to this sudden change in environment and the evil treatment he received, he suffered from insomnia for the rest of his life. This played an im portant part in his literary imagination. His parents removed him from the Calvinistic foster home and placed him in a private school at the age of twelve. The English schoolboy code of honor and duty affected his views in later life, especially when it involved loyalty to a group or a team. Returning to India in 1882 he worked as a newspaper reporter and a part-time writer and this helped him to gain a rich experience of colonial life which he later presented in his stories and poems. In 1886 he published his first volume of poetry, "Departmental Ditties" and between 1887 and 1889 he published six volumes of short stories set in and concerned with the India he had come to know and love so well. When he returned to England he found himself already recognized and acclaimed as a brilliant writer. Over the immediately following years he published some of his best works including his most acclaimed poem "Recessional" and most famed novel "Kim". In 1907 Kipling won the Nobel prize in literature in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterized his writings.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nurseâ€Patient Ratio in California

a) Nurse-Patient ratio is the relationship of the number of patients that should be served by one nurse at particular moment of time. It was a working formula that was proposal in 1992 by the California Nurses Association (CAN), which was to cater for quality service to patients by their nurses in the hospitals. After varied controversial arguments about the proposal regarding the overall implication to the economic costs of the ratio, different proposal from the concerned parties were arrived at where; the state government proposed ratio was 1:6 for all the medical or surgical units in the hospital.   However this ratio was to lower to 1:5 in a period of one and one-half year. The California Nurse Union (CNU) had a proposal of 1:3 for the medical units and 1:4 for the surgical units. The California Hospital Association (CHA) had proposed a ratio of 1:10 for both medical and surgical units. The nurse-patient ratio was enacted in October 1999.   However, the results of the actual proposed ratios were released on 2002.   The CNU and CHA ratio requirement were thought to be stable all through and each of them parties sought for its own ratio implementation.   However, the state proposal consisted a series of development where, they were to be implement at 1:6 and later reduced to 1:5 after 1 – 1  ½ year. (Slack, Slack,2001, p.107) b) History The nurse-patient ratio was firstly proposed by nurses in California in 1992 (Russell, 2004) However it was enacted as a law in 1999 but its enactment was to be followed by a period of its implement, which was to be until January 2002.   This implementation gave the California Hospital Association upto a deadline of January 2003 to hire the right number of nurses for their hospital as required by the government proposal of 1:5   ratio which the government had stated would lower from the ratio of 1:6 in a period of 1 – 1  ½ years. However, due to the complains, from the CHA, the proposal was only enacted into a law in January 2004, requiring the hospitals to implement on the 1:5 ratio by June 2004.  Ã‚   But following an emergency proposal by the director of department of Health Services – Sandra Sherry, the 1:5 ratio laws would only be instituted in January 2008.   (Russell 2004) c) Ideally, this proposal would highly support a positive nursing work environment.   Although the Californian Hospital Association argues that this would be too costly, but this would on be argumentable for the short run.   However, the cost would be reduced in the short run period of their business cycle.  Ã‚   Since higher ratios would ultimately help to improve the existing state of patient care.   Either, Lower ratios would consequently call for more nurse to join the career, whose turn over was very low. Through lowering the ratios, then the profession would be more interesting to the young learners who will be able to join it.   Also, it was made to call back those nurses who had left the profession due to unappealing ratio. To defend, their argument, they argued that, lower nurse-patient ratio was to lower the possible costs by hospitals to hire other nurses.   This is because of the possible economies that would be arrived at through the savings in greater patient care and faster service delivery.   Either, hospitals would reduce the hire of the nurses who were temporary registered, and whose cost was higher than that of permanently employed nurses.   (Coombs, 2004, p. 83) d) However, different controversies were between different parties aligned to this proposal.  Ã‚   Firstly, the California Nurse Association felt that, this was a good move, as it enhanced better patient care and ultimately economies to the owners of the medical centers in the long run.   They believed that, by using lower ratios, the result would be an attraction of more number of young and others who had left to the nursing profession.   Either, this worked to reduce cost by the hire of temporary registered persons. However, the California Hospital Association argued that this was impractical in terms of cost of implementation.   They argued that these would only work to favour the nurses at the expense of their business.   The state government thought that, the proposals of the nurses were viable but could only work under stages of implementation. It believed this proposal worked for the good of the people.   Also, the union for Service Employees International was also in the view that, this proposal worked to improve the amount of care given to patient hence it was important for its implementation. (Ponton, Carrion, 2001, p.48) e) The proposal would be highly recommendable for the general service delivery to the patients.   Either, it was important since it worked to improve the conditions of both the patients, nurses and hospital owners. f. (I) Yes, they work to ensure that, there were a lesser number of patients for service by one nurse.   This helped to reduce the amount of service by the nurses hence they could give a better attention to the patients.   However this did not keep the attention of any possible risk cases where the number of patients may increase indefinitely. ii) The government enacted that the ratio that would remain as 1:6 in January 2004, and reduce to 1:5 by June the same year.   However, in a petition that was passed to the court, by the direction of California Hospital Association this would only to be active in January 2008.   However, the ratio of 1:6 has not been followed in some health centers where nurse are made to serve a bigger number than this ratio.   Else where, there has been a positive adherence to this law in most of the hospitals. (David, Baustica, p. 66) References David, E. & Baustista, H. (2004) La Nueva California LATINOS IN THE GOLDEN STATE. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Ponton, M. & Carrion, J. (2001).   Neuropsychology and the Hispanic Patient: A clinical Handbook; Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Coombs, M. (2004) Power & Conflict between Doctors and Nurses.   Breaking Through the Inner Circle in Clinical Care. London : Routledge. Slack, N. & Slack, C. (2001) Cyber Medicine: How Computing Empowers Doctors and Patients For Better Cared Revised and Updated Edition. San. Francisco: Jossey – Bass. Russell, S. (2004).   State Moves to Freeze Nurse Patient Ratio.   Nov, 05, 2005

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Diversity Issues in the Workplace Essay

The world is changing and becoming more globalized, especially with the fast growing rate of technology, people who live far away feel closer than they are. Since the world is changing, so are things in it, organizations is one of how things are moving faster. Organizations are no longer run in one region, country or for one market, they are now multi-cultural and diverse in nature. It therefore require special skills to manage and be able to teach employees to properly respect and value people’s opinions, sexual orientation, culture and beliefs to avoid diversity problems. Diversity is basically defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect for age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status (Esty, et al. , 1995). In work place, I will personally define it as difference between people working in an organization; it could be their ideas, beliefs, language or even their culture. These factors affect one’s way of thinking, and can even determine their work performance. Taking for instance lateness at work, it is obviously a bad working habit but in some parts of Africa or Asia, it is a normal to be fifteen or twenty minutes late, this habit is one of the worse working habits in America. That is cultural difference. Workplace diversity could also refer to human quality or ability that is different form our own example. Workers sometimes treat or favor co-workers who they are more related or have some affliction to in a nicer way than other people. Workplace diversity also happens when companies hire employees from various backgrounds and experiences. â€Å"Many companies see workplace diversity as an investment toward building a better business. Although workplace diversity provides many benefits, it also poses many challenges to employees and managers. To reap the benefits of workplace diversity, employees and managers must understand the challenges and know how to effectively deal with them† (Rose Johnson, Demand Media). Being an immigrant I have personally encountered some diversity issues in a few places I have worked. Coming from a country (Ghana) where the power distance is very wide, there is no way you can call your boss by the first name, you have to address them with their title at least. But in America where power distance is no issue, where you can play ping pong with your company president at break and call them by their first name, I found it hard to fit in. I always call my boss with either sir or Mr. that made him feel I wanted to be distant away from him, and my other managers never liked me until they got to ask me questions about my culture and got to know me more. Another big diversity issue in every U.  S organization is the language barrier. This issue is due to the fact that most U. S companies hire workers who have English as their second language or got exposed to English in America. Workers like this will always have problems getting work done properly due to clarity, because they might have difficulties understanding all instructions they have been assigned to, it will cause misunderstanding and eventually low productivity. If an Indian manager who has a â€Å"thick accent† gives instruction to an American associate, the probability that the American might not get the job done right is high. Globalizing and diverse organizations have become a norm these days and organizations are better off hiring workers that are bilingual and can translate for workers that have problems with language. If this is not done companies may lose highly talented people from different backgrounds. In the movie â€Å"crash† the Arab store owner could not understand exactly what the Mexican lock repairer meant by replacing the door and that caused him to lose everything in his store, I am pretty sure if his daughter who is more fluent in both the Arab language and the English language the situation would have been totally different. Political and religious beliefs could also be another form of diversity issue in the workplace. It is always going to be hard for Christians to work and socialize with Buddhist or Muslims, because they think they involve in bad practices, and might even reject their ideas. Some employers of companies also try to impose their beliefs on employees. Example a Christian might not allow a Muslim to take breaks to pray in their season of fasting (Ramadan), it would also be a challenge for a Christian to work for a Muslim. This is religious diversity issue, if not properly managed might reduce organizational productivity or eventually it to close down, political diversity is the same as it in religion, Republican view of ruling a nation is different from that conflict Democratic, and it’s sometimes brought into managing an organization and that might cause misunderstanding. Since these two parties have different views one will always reject the idea of another in decision making. This form competition is not healthy for any organization and must be managed with care. To avoid this issues in organizations law of equal rights must be enforced to protect everyone religious, political or even sexual opinions and mandate that employees cannot force their political choices and religious faiths on other employees. A Christian employee can work with a Muslim because the two should put the goal of the organization first and leave their difference outside of the workplace. Also the Federal and State equal opportunity legislation make discrimination in workplaces illegal. These laws specify the rights and responsibilities of both associates and employers in the workplace and hold both groups accountable. Workplace diversity issues cannot be discussed without the mention of sexual orientation and harassment. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines sexual orientation as an emotional or affection attraction to another person. This includes heterosexuality (attraction to the opposite sex), homosexuality (attraction to the same sex) and bisexuality (attraction to either sex). Workers and managers should be ready to accept and work with people with different sexual orientation and not to take advantage of them. Formally it was acceptable to fire or refuse a gay or lesbian with the globalize nature of workplaces, human and civil rights on the rise, organizations should be able to draft laws that can protect people like that. After all they require two workers to deal with their differences outside of the organizations; their personal life outside of the organization should not be a problem to the organization, unless that employee is using his orientation to harass other employees. It is always good to have a diverse organization, and there is no doubt is comes with problems, but how do managers of these organizations manage diversity? As pointed out earlier, it will be effective for employers to hire professionals that deal with diversity issues to help them with the challenges involved for example having translators to help workers with language problems will help organizations tap out the talented workers. Also organizations should not over react and base their recruitment solely on diversity issues. Example, hiring with the idea of hiring workers from all walks of life will definitely be more of a challenge than an advantage. â€Å"According to Lawrence Herzog of HCareers, managers face challenges when new employees from diverse backgrounds interact with long-standing employees. † Another powerful way to deal with diversity in the workplace is by creating avenues like meeting social gathering and business meetings, where every member must listen and have the chance to speak, are good ways to create dialogues. Managers should implement policies such as mentoring programs to provide associates access to information and opportunities, workers can socialize, talk to each other and get to know more about each other’s culture, beliefs, and ideas. There might be something they could learn from each other that might positively benefit the organization. This is a strategy my formal managers in my previous job used and I think it really helped solve the diversity issue between us. I spent time with them and they got to know about me more and began to understand the way responded to certain things at work. Having a diverse workforce is due to our changing world, and if it’s managed effectively, organizations can benefit positively and have a large pool of different ideas to make the organization very competitive in all markets. Good diversity management does not only benefit the organizations it creates a safe and comfortable working environment for workers; this benefits the organization as well because employees work with enthusiasm.