Thursday, December 26, 2019

Different levels of strategy - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1549 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? STRATEGY Michael Porter defines strategy in terms of competitive strategy which is about being different. He argues that strategy is being in a competitive position, being different in the eyes of the customer, and adding value through a combination of activities that are different from those of competitors. BUSINESS STRATEGY In these days strategy is become the art of controlling and utilizing the resources of a company. Strategy is all theseà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬it is perspective, position, plan, and pattern. Strategy is the bridge between policy or high-order goals on the one hand and tactics or concrete actions on the other. How to run the business, possible threats or opportunities are in business strategy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Different levels of strategy" essay for you Create order Different Levels of strategy There are three different levels of strategy which are corporate, business, operational strategy. Corporate Strategy is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the business to meet stakeholder expectations. This is a crucial level since it is heavily influenced by investors in the business and acts to guide strategic decision-making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is often stated explicitly in a mission statement. Business Unit Strategy is concerned more with how a business competes successfully in a particular market. It concerns strategic decisions about choice of products, meeting needs of customers, gaining advantage over competitors, exploiting or creating new opportunities etc. Operational Strategy is concerned with how each part of the business is organised to deliver the corporate and business-unit level strategic direction. Operational strategy therefore focuses on issues of resources, processes, people etc I am chairman of Sainsbury. Thi s is in Birmingham. This is retailing store where we sell all things like grocery, fresh food, clothes etc. Internal and external scan SWOT analysis Strength Strength of the business is considered such as its resources and how they are performing in particular market. Some company has good marketing and some has good productivity. So all these are strength of the company. Weakness Every business has got weakness. Weakness mean at what point business is not doing good called their weakness. Some business got problem in their productivity etc and these are their weakness. We have got marketing problem. We are not getting customers which we were supposed to. Opportunities Opportunities are always in market for the business. For example we have got opportunity that in future we may improve our market because our economy is recovering from recession. Threats Opportunities and threats for the company are always in market. Threats may be in the type of inflation or current legislation issues. When company make strategies they have to care about possible threats in future. PEST analysis Political All business depends on the nature of local politicians. Policies of business always effect local business. Some government support not only local trade but also international trade as well. Policies of UK government are always very supportive for retiling market. We got lower taxes at our trade. Economic Economic factors always affect the business. If the economy situation of the company will be good then business will be more expanded and more investors will like to invest money in that economy. Sainsbury is retailing store and in UK people tend to buy all things under one roof quite beneficial for us. Social Social factors play a vital role in any business. What type of business should be open and how we are going to run according to local society always a major factor. Technological How business will be in particular market always depend on latest technology. We have got latest technology like super fast computer etc to reduce time. Strategic initiatives Strategic initiatives are first planning of organization. When an organization identify problem then they make strategy to solve them. Strategic initiatives are something like main goal which organization wants to achieve. In my company I have found that we have very poor marketing. So our strategy is to improve our marketing by taking different approaches. Objectives of the strategy Objectives are goals of the organization. When organization make strategy means they are planning to achieve one target. To achieve this target there are so many objectives. After achieving these objectives we can make our strategy successful. We have got many objectives like Advertise our products Make the price lower than other competitors Introduce new policies to attract customers Improve our customer care department Improve the quality of products in store Required actions for strategy After analysing our problem in organization through internal and external scan we make strategy and to make this strategy successful we have to ach9eve some objectives and to achieve the objectives we need to take actions and these actions are called required actions. In first to advertise us we need to give our advertisement in internet and in newspapers. In this way more people will come to know about us. We need to analyse our market very carefully and need to make the prices of our products lower than competitors in order to attract more customers. We need to bring new policies where customers should be given first place in company. We need to issue Sainsbury cards and on these cards customers should give discount and if they want to pay after some time, this facility should be given on card. If customer dissatisfy we should have flexible our policy and should give total refund to customer to make him happy. Resources required To make the strategy successful and achieve cadmic goals we need resources which may be in form of money etc. In my company we have got good resources like Money, Building, Broad Parking Space, Employees, Latest technology Assessment of the strategy After imposing strategy we analyse that how far our strategy will be successful. In other words we predict the success of strategy. I predict that we will be able to improve our market by 33%. Before this was only 12% but we hope that we will be able to improve our market by 33%. Outcomes of the strategy Outcomes are result of the strategy. What will be conclusion of the strategy is very important for any organization. Outcome of our strategy was 30%. We able to improve our market by 30% and this were ok for us. Continuous improvement in strategy In this section we analyse our strategy and see whether we have got results which we were accepting or not. We see where we got problems in our strategy and take further actions to solve them. Recommendation Sainsbury is retailing store and in recent years its market has been down. I personally went in public and ask then what they think about our company and I was surprised that half of them think that we are more expensive than our competitors and we dont have good customers policies like refund etc. I recommend that first of all we should make our prices low. This may be very difficult process because it has direct effect on our profit but in order to improve our market and attract more customers we definitely need this. We need to issue new Sainsbury cards which will be more improved than previous one and need to provide more facilities on cards. We need to advertise our new and modified company with lower prices and good customer policies. We can advertise through TV, internet, newspaper etc. In this way more people will come to know about our company and will be attracted. We need to analyse our competitors in market and see how well they are doing in market and what net policies they are bringing and how they will affect us. So in this way will not only improve our marketing but also will also increase our productivity. Conclusion Strategy Strategy is the direction and scope over long period which get benefit for the company by its managing of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations There are three different levels of strategy which are corporate, business, operational strategy. In Internal and external scan we analyse PEST and SWOT. Strategic initiatives are first planning of organization. When an organization identify problem then they make strategy to solve them. Objectives are goals of the organization. When organization make strategy means they are planning to achieve one target. After analysing our problem in organization through internal and external scan we make strategy and to make this strategy successful we have to ach9eve some objectives and to achieve the objectives we need to take actions and these actions are called required actions. To make the strategy successful and achieve cadmic goals we need resources which may be in form of money etc. After imposing strategy we analyse that how far our strategy will be successful. In other words we predict the success of strategy. Outcomes are result of the strategy. What will be conclusion of the strategy is very important for any organization. In continues improvement we analyse our strategy and see whether we have got results which we were accepting or not. We see where we got problems in our strategy and take further actions to solve them In last I would like to say that any company can be successful only when it has smooth relation with government and local society. By taking this strategy we were able to improve our marketing.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Sports Of Intercollegiate And Interscholastic Sports

Intercollegiate and Interscholastic sports have become today’s most popular sporting events in the southeastern part of the United States, which have force sports networks such as the Eastern Sport Network (ESPN) and Sports South Network (SSN) to broadcast the majority of the sporting events several times a week. These networks are spending billions of dollars to ensure that the collegiate and high school sports industries are popular and fulfilling to society. Sitkowski (2008) stated that the pressure to win and the thought of making large amount of revenue have force colleges and high schools to concentrate on finance, instead of their educational mission. In addition, Duderstandt (1996) believed colleges and high schools have allowed television and the constant desire for visibility to distort the nature of competitive sports. The college and high school coaches, as well as athletic directors are experiencing pressure from the alumni, fans and administration to win now not later, which has created a conflict between the academic and athletic communities on many campuses. Even though television networks like ESPN and SSN has turn intercollegiate and interscholastic athletics into prime time events, many universities and secondary schools are continuing to promote the mission of their institution which is to educate young men and women (Duderstandt, 1996). Stenson (2004) believed that the pressure to win in sports at any cost has caused some athletes simple to burnShow MoreRelated Title IX and Impacts on Womens Education Essay examples1160 Words   |  5 Pagesgiving schools the flexibility to choose sports based on student body interest, geographic influence, budget restraints, and gender ratio. In other words, it is not a matter of women being able to participate in wrestling or that exactly the same amount of money spent per womens and mens basketball player. Instead, the focus is on the necessity for women to have equal opportunities as men on a whole, not on an individual basis. Concerning intercollegiate athletics, there are three primary areasRead More The Time has Come for Womens Wrestling Essay1027 Words   |  5 PagesWrestling Should women be able to compete in the NCAA sport of wrestling? There are countless numbers of men who are against co-ed wrestling stating that women do not posses the athletic ability, strength, or aggression to wrestle with men. The truth is that the only limiting factor keeping women out of the sport are those stated in Title IX and NCAA. Women have struggled for many years to create their own identity in the male dominant sport of wrestling. Wrestling began with the early EgyptianRead MoreAthletic Director1166 Words   |  5 Pagesdirector (commonly athletics director or AD) is an administrator at many american colleges and universities, as well as in larger high schools and middle schools, who oversees the work of coaches and related staff involved in intercollegiate or interscholastic athletic programs ( They are in charge of an athletic department at a high school, college or university and at some colleges, the athletic director may hold academic rank. They are usually considered to be full-timeRead MoreThe History of Titile IX Essay4884 Words   |  20 Pageswhich would allow revenue-producing sports to be exempt from being tabulated when determining a schools Title IX compliance. This proposal was rejected. [1] Two months later, Senator Javits proposed an amendment which would require the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) to issue the Title IX regulation including the phrase with respect to intercollegiate athletic activities, reasonable activities considering the nature of particular sports. This amendment was adopted. [1] Read MoreAnalysis Of A Miniature Lit 1742 Words   |  7 PagesJarvis Washington Miniature Lit Review Introduction Gender inequality in sport is a hot button issue in our society today. Women, for the most part, have been on the short end of the stick for centuries in reference to participation in sports. Way back in Ancient times, women were not even allowed to watch the Olympics games because they were deemed â€Å"ladylike†. Women slowly began to play sports beginning in the 1800s. Some notable events were the first all-women’s golf tournament in Scotland inRead MoreEssay on Gender Barriers in Athletics1138 Words   |  5 Pagesfemale) entering a non-traditional sport for their gender/sex (eg women who enter body building, power lifting, boxing; men who enter synchronized swimming or field hockey)? Throughout history it is clear that not only women, but both genders have faced seemingly insurmountable barriers when attempting to break into a sport that is not proper or stereotypical for their gender to participate in. Though as a society we are making strides towards equality in sport, such as the advent of Title IX,Read MoreSports and Academic Achievement1494 Words   |  6 Pagesand other extracurricular activities is very high. â€Å"At a cost of only one to three percent (or less in many cases) of an overall school’s budget, high school activity programs are one of the best bargins around. It is in these vital programs – sports, music, speech, drama, debate – where young people learn lifelong lessons as that compliment the academic lessons taught in the classroom† (p. 1) Students who participate in athletics will experience greater academic success than students who doRead MoreTaking a Look at Title IX1864 Words   |  7 Pagescollege where as females do not. They tell you to be a cheerleader or work in the kitchen and stay at home, but in your heart you are a competitor and have a passion for sports. This is a feeling that many females felt before Title IX; was explicated to give female’s gender equality in sports. Title IX has positively affected women’s sports over the years, but can negatively impact men’s teams, especially within the collegiate field. Title IX has changed budgeting and participation numbers between malesRead MoreTitle IX Case Study1160 Words   |  5 PagesAllegations: †¢ Participation gap between male and female athletes. The Chico Unified School district has between 280 and 320 more boys competing in sports annually. An example of disparity is the basketball teams, where the boy’s teams keep 15 athletes on their rosters, where the girl’s teams keep 12-13 athletes. †¢ A failure to expand girls’ sports. The last sports Chico added was boys’ volleyball. †¢ A failure to conduct adequate surveys gauging female interest in athletics. Reasoning: †¢ Title IX has aRead MoreThe Collegiate Football Player Caught !1408 Words   |  6 Pagescreation in 1905 (Schneiders 232) to the mid-1940’s, schools paid their athletes for their performances, and did so without hesitation. Although, due to the increase in popularity and support of collegiate sports, the association decided to enact the amateur bylaws in order to keep college sports separate from the professional leagues. One definition says â€Å"collegiate amateurism refers to the fact [that] athletes do not receive [any type of] remuneration for their athletic services,† besides scholarships

Monday, December 9, 2019

Im Going to Mums Directed by Lauren Jackson Essay Example For Students

Im Going to Mums Directed by Lauren Jackson Essay In the short film Im Going to Mums?, the director, Lauren Jackson forms the film through different aspects such as soundtrack, camera work and symbols. The second act is a good example of these aspects. I chose this act because it portrayed how the director shows divorce through a Childs perspective, also how Jacob takes action against his parents to stop using him and his clothes to argue with each other. In the second act it focuses on Jacob rebelling against his parents. One aspect that stood out for me was the soundtrack. In this act the soundtrack is a fast Pacifica drumming and it creates suspense. For example when Jacob runs outside and his dad follows him the music is playing then when Jacob falls on the ground and his dad yells that Jacob should listen to him the music stops, this helps to give the feeling of shock and intensifies the scenes tension. This also relates to the scene were Jacobs mum is taking his clothes off and the soundtrack starts slow and slowly gets faster and faster then when his mum finishes takings all of his shirts off the music stops. This also gives tension to the scene because the audience doesnt know if Jacob will wake up and the how the soundtrack speeds up it makes the audience more anxious and when the music stops it gives the feeling of relief The reason the director did this, was so the audience get a better effect of the scenes. Another aspect that I looked at in act 2 and 3 was camerawork. At the start of act 3, we see the start of the scene through a low angle, keyhole view shot to give the effect of seeing the scene through Jacobss eyes while hes wearing a balaclava. Lauren Jackson did this because it makes the audience feel like they are watching the start of the scene through Jacobss eyes. This scene relate to when Jacob is watching his parents argue through the gap in the door and turns to the camera and tilts it down, that signifies that Jacob has had enough and wants his parents to stop arguing with each other. The final, and what I think is the most important aspect of the film, are the symbols. The main symbol is the clothes because they represent the baggage that the parents have with each other for example when Jacob walks into his mums living room she says that he can wear his cool shirt to his dads cause its only clothes so Jacob starts to take his shirts off then his mum says that if his dad shrinks it he can pay for another one so Jacob quickly puts his shirts back on because he is tired of those little comments that his mum or dad makes. This scene also connects to the end scene were Jacobs dad is at his mums house and they are sitting outside and when Jacob sees that his parents are laughing he looks straight at the camera like they finally are getting along better then he walks outside in just his underwear, this gives the effect that the baggage that the parents have with each other are nearly gone. This gives Jacob the feeling of that he finally won and got his parents to get along better then at the start of the film. In conclusion, looking at the aspects of soundtrack, camera work and symbols helped me understand how Jacob felt while his parents were arguing and left me with the sense of a happy ending.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Leading With The Heart Essays - Mike Krzyzewski, Leadership

Leading With The Heart I. Preseason Ch. 1: Getting Organized Establish right away in the first meeting the only rule for the team: Dont do anything thats detrimental to yourself. Because if its detrimental to you, itll be detrimental to our program... (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.4). Dont dwell on it, so it does not ruin the moment. Recruit individuals who want to be part of a team and who are cacheable. Use plural pronouns from the very first meeting on. Use the words our instead of my, we instead of I, and us instead of me. Leadership on a team is plural, not singular. Make sure you are not the only one speaking in meetings, especially the first one, to demonstrate the principal of were all important (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.7). Include players, assistants, trainers, and team managers. Time Management During the first meeting, hand out notebooks and pocket calendars with important dates listed, such as practice times, special events, and game schedule. Teach time management, not only as it relates to individuals, but as it pertains to a group (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.18). Academics Remind athletes to tell professors of their schedules, when they will be missing class, and their plans on what to do for getting the materials they missed. Encourage the athletes to get the total university life experience. That is why there are no athletic dorms, so there is no separation between the athletes and student body. Stress the honor in academics and all things. Rules The rule dont do anything detrimental to yourself covers a wide variety of things. Establishing too many rules gets in the way of leadership. Dont be a team of I gotchas (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.10). Leadership is ongoing, adjustable, flexible and dynamic, and so it allows the leader to have discretion. No hard and fast rule gives the leader the flexibility in different situations and provides the latitude to lead (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.11). Support System Set up a family support system for your team. Its like getting a shot to keep away jealousy (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.12). Distribute laminated cards to each individual with the phone numbers of staff and fellow players. Remind them to call somebody when theyre in harms way. A Handshake Deal Make handshake deals with players during the recruiting process, and tell them of the fair but not equal policy, which means be fair in everything that you do, but players will not be equal with regard to on-the-court playing time. A handshake deal means there are no hidden agendas, everything is straight up. Mutual commitment helps people overcome the fear of failure - especially when people are part of a team sharing and achieving goals (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.15). This commitment to each other allows for open lines of communication. Talk with the players regularly about their personal lives to show you care. Ongoing communication enforces the handshake (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.16). Each year brings with it a new team, a new set of personalities, and a new set of skills. So each year you have to coach differently. Each team has to run its own race (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.17). Ch 2: Building Your Team Talent When you first assemble a group, its not a team right off the bat. Its only a collection of individuals (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.19). Assembling skillful individuals as part of the team is a given in order to succeed Employ really good, smart people who want to be part of an organization. Not yes people, but people that will tell you the truth, no matter if it is good or bad. All assistants should want to be a top leader in the future. That way theyll want to learn and grow. Dont force an individual into a job description. Rather, they should fit each individual so that his/her strengths are best utilized. Never let a persons weaknesses get in the way of his strength (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.25). At the end of each year go through an appraisal and reevaluation process. Rotate responsibilities if needed. Trusting Relationships The level of cooperation on any team increases tremendously as the level of trust rises (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.26). Bonds must be formed between all members of the team, from player to player, player to coach, coach to coach, player to manager, etc.... A framework of leadership has to be created so that the wheel is sustained if something happens to the hub (Krzyzewski, 2000, p.27). This is accomplished by developing trusting relationships among everyone. Leaders have to give time for relationships. A Winning Attitude A real winning attitude is about standards of excellence - which are variable from

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Correcting an Incorrect Business Email

Correcting an Incorrect Business Email What is the best way to correct an error in an email sent to multiple recipients, if you are listed in the cc: line of that email, along with other recipients? It can be a little confusing, because if you are listed on the cc: line you can assume you are being informed, with no expectation of a response from you. However, the one exception to this rule is when you know the message to be incorrect, requiring you to correct the misunderstanding. If time is not critical, do not reply to all and correct the sender. Instead, email the sender, explaining your correction, and ask him or her to resend the corrected information to the same recipient group. Only if the sender does not correct the message should you alert the group with your correction. If time does not allow you to alert the sender to correct the message, only then should you reply to all with your correct information. And, be kind and phrase your correction clearly but tactfully. This applies in both business email and personal email. I received a message from a friend this morning alerting me and a large group of recipients how to detect a two-way mirror in case we were being spied upon in clothing dressing rooms. Ok, it was silly. Still, my friend who sent this message is well-intentioned and a nice lady. Another recipient replied to everyone, providing a terse message that the sender was incorrect and included a Snopes link (a site which identifies urban legends) refuting her two-way mirror test. This correction was unkind. The corrector should have sent the Snopes link to the original sender and given her an opportunity to make her own correction. Give a colleague or a friend a chance to wipe the egg off their own face, before you throw some more. Master business email in your career in this Email Course.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 55 AP Language and Composition Terms You Must Know

The 55 AP Language and Composition Terms You Must Know SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the competencies you need to develop for AP Language and Composition is a thorough understanding of rhetorical strategies and techniques. This is because you will both be expected to identify these strategies and techniques in the writing of others and to use them in your own writing. But given the huge number of rhetorical terms there are, how do you know which ones you need to know and understand? Do you need to know what anaphora is? What about synecdoche? In this article I'll provide two lists: one of essential key AP Language and Composition terms to know for the exam, and one list of useful bonus words that will serve you well on the exam. Then I'll advise how to learn and use these terms for AP success! Want to get a perfect 5 on your AP exam and an A in class? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Essential AP Language and Composition Terms The following list of 37 terms, based on consulting both the AP English Language and Composition Course and Exam Description and free-response material from past years, provides an important overview of the major AP Lang rhetorical devices and techniques you need to know. With all of this AP Language and Composition vocabulary at your disposal, you'll be a top-notch rhetorical analyst in no time! Each entry has a definition and example or further explanation. Don't be intimidated by the size of this list- many of these are terms you are probably already familiar with! Essential Rhetorical Analysis Terms Terms Definition Example/Explanation Analogy Explaining something complex by comparing it to something more simple. "An amateur playing in a professional game is like an ibex stepping into a lion's den." Argument The combination of reasons, evidence, etc that an author uses to convince an audience of their position. Too comprehensive a concept for a single example! In effective rhetoric, every phrase serves to further build the argument. Aristotelian appeals Three different methods of appealing to an audience to convince them- ethos, logos, and pathos. See ethos, logos and pathos. Attitude The writer's personal views or feelings about the subject at hand. Difficult to convey in a short example, but something like "the deplorable state of this school" would convey that the author has a negative attitude towards the school. Audience Who the author is directing his or her message towards When you create a resume, your audience is potential employers. Compare and contrast Discussing the similarities and differences between two things to some persuasive or illustrative purpose. â€Å"Hybrid cars have a much smaller carbon footprint than traditional midsize vehicles.† Connotation The implied meaning of a word; words can broadly have positive, negative, or neutral connotations. conscientious = positive connotation fussy = negative connotation Context The extra-textual environment in which the text is being delivered. If I am delivering a congratulatory speech to awards recipients, the immediate context might be the awards presentation ceremony; the broader context might be the purpose or significance of the awards themselves. Counterargument The argument(s) against the author's position. If I want to eliminate the dress code, a counterargument might be that this will place a burden on students of a lower socioeconomic status, who must now afford an entire school wardrobe or risk unwanted attention. Deductive reasoning A form of logical reasoning wherein a general principle is applied to a specific case. If all planets orbit a star, and Theta II is a planet, then it must orbit a star. Denotation The literal, dictionary-definition meaning of a word. The denotation of "chair" is "a place to sit." Diction The style of language used; generally tailored to be appropriate to the audience and situation. You might say "What's up, loser?" to your little brother, but you would probably say "How are you doing today?" to your principal. Ethos Setting up a source as credible and trustworthy. "Given my PhD in the subject and years of experience in the field" is an appeal to ethos. Evidence The information presented meant to persuade the audience of the author's position. If I were arguing that Anne is a good student, I might reference her straight-A report card and her 1500 SAT score as pieces of evidence. Figurative language The use of language in a non-literal way; i.e. metaphor, simile, etc. "The sky's like a jewel box tonight!" Genre The specific type of work being presented. Broader categories include "novel" and "play," while more specific genres would be things like "personal essay" or "haiku." Imagery Any descriptive language used to evoke a vivid sense or image of something; includes figurative language. "The water was a pearl-studded sea of azure tipped with turquoise." Implication When something is suggested without being concretely stated. "Watch your wallet around Paul," implies that Paul is a thief without coming out and saying "Paul is a thief." Inductive reasoning Making a generalization based on specific evidence at hand. All of the planets in this solar system orbit a star, so all planets probably orbit stars. Irony At the most basic sense, saying the opposite of what you mean; also used to describe situations in which the results of an action are dramatically different than intended. "I do so hope there are more papers to sign," is something that might be said ironically. Juxtaposition Placing two very different things together for effect. "There they stood together, the beggars and the lords, the princesses and the washerwoman, all crowding into the square." Logos Appealing to someone's sense of concrete facts and logic. Citing peer-reviewed scientific studies is an appeal to logos. Occasion The reason or moment for writing or speaking. When giving a graduation speech, the occasion is graduation. Organization How the different parts of an argument are arranged in a piece of writing or speech. Think about the outlines you write in preparation for drafting an argumentative essay and you'll have an idea of what organization is. Pathos An Aristotelian appeal. Involves appealing to someone's emotions. Animal shelters ads with pictures of cute sad animals and dramatic music are using pathos. Purpose The author's persuasive intention. If you are trying to convince your mother you should get a dog, your purpose in addressing an essay on the subject to her would be to convince her that you should get a dog. Repetition Re-using a word or phrase repeatedly for effect or emphasis. "We run, and we run, and we run, like rats on a wheel." Rhetoric The use of spoken or written word (or a visual medium) to convey your ideas and convince an audience. Almost everything is an example of rhetoric! Rhetorical triangle The relationship between the author, the audience, the text/message, and the context. The author communicates to the reader via the text; and the reader and text are surrounded by context. Speaker The persona adopted by the author to deliver his or her message; may or may not actually be the same person as the author. Similar to the difference between author and narrator in a work of fiction. Style The author's own personal approach to rhetoric in the piece; similar to voice. We might say the Taylor Swift's songwriting style is straightforward and emotive. Symbolism Using a symbol to refer to an idea or concept. "Fire" is commonly used a symbol for passion and/or anger. Syntax The way sentences are grammatically constructed. "She likes pie," is syntactically simple. On the other hand, "As it so happened, when Barbara got out of class early she liked to have a piece of pie- key lime or pecan, always- at the corner diner; while she was there she watched the people passing by the window and imagined herself inside each of their lives, riding in their heads for moments and moments until the afternoon was whiled away and she'd become fifty people," is syntactically complicated. Synthesis Combining sources or ideas in a coherent way in the purpose of a larger point. A typical research paper involves synthesizing sources to make a broader point about the topic. Themes Overarching ideas or driving premises of a work. Some themes you will probably hear in your high school graduation speech include leaving behind a legacy, moving into the great unknown, becoming an adult, and changing the world. Tone The use of stylistic devices to reveal an author's attitude toward a subject. Only a narrow distinction from attitude. The phrase "the deplorable state of this school" reveals a negative attitude, but the word choice of "deplorable" is part of the author's tone. Voice An author's unique sound. Similar to style. Think of the way that you can recognize a pop singer on the radio without hearing who it is first. Want to get a perfect 5 on your AP exam and an A in class? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Let your voice be heard! Bonus AP Language and Composition Terms Here are 18 bonus AP Language vocabulary terms that, while not absolutely essential to your success on the exam, will be very helpful. They identify some common but obscurely named rhetorical techniques and some additional rhetorical and argumentative strategies. These terms also each have a definition and an example or explanation. Bonus Rhetorical Terms Terms Definition Example/Explanation Alliteration Using words with the same first letter repeatedly close together in a phrase or sentence. "She purchased the pretty purple parka." Allusion Making a brief reference to the cultural canon- e.g. the Bible, Shakespeare, classical mythology, etc. "Like Eve in the Garden of Eden, George was not good at resisting temptation." Anecdote Offering a brief narrative episode. This device can serve many functions in a text- for example, introducing an issue, serving as evidence, to illustrate a point, and so on. "When I went to buy my morning coffee, I ran into an old friend. He told me he had won the lottery and he was about to buy a yacht. Two months later I heard he had declared bankruptcy." Concession Agreeing with the opposing viewpoint on a certain smaller point (but not in the larger argument). â€Å"While I admit that hybrid cars have higher carbon production costs than conventional automobiles, this is dramatically offset by the much-smaller lifetime carbon footprint of the vehicles.† Didactic A text with an instructive purpose, often moral. Aesop's fables are an example of a didactic work. Euphemism Referring to something with a veiled phrase instead of saying it directly "She let Bob go," is a euphemism for "she fired Bob." Exemplification Providing examples in service of a point. â€Å"The Town Beautification Funds are being sorely misused; the streets are full of litter, the parks are full of broken equipment, and City Hall's facade is drab and crumbling.† Hyperbole Overstating a situation for humorous or dramatic effect. "My backpack weighs tons!" Idiom A commonly used phrase that signifies something very different than its literal meaning. "This costs an arm and a leg!" is an idiom which means "This is very expensive." Onomatopoeia Using "sound-effect" words (e.g. "clap," "buzz). "We heard an ominous hiss from the kitchen." Paradox A phrase or assertion that appears to contradict itself (but the contradiction itself may have its own meaning). Paradoxical phrases include "dark angel," "fresh rot," "blissful hell," etc. Parallelism Repeated structural elements in a sentence. "We went to sea; we went to war; we went to bed." Parody Using the form of something to mimic and make fun of it. Weird Al is the master of the musical parody genre. Personification Giving human characteristics to a nonhuman object or idea. "The sun was shining happily today." Sarcasm Mockingly stating the opposite of what you mean. Easier to convey in the spoken word than via writing. "Did you come up with that all by yourself?" might be delivered sarcastically after someone delivers a poorly-thought out idea. Satire A genre of humorous and mocking criticism to expose the ignorance and/or ills of society. Stephen Colbert is a popular modern satirist. Synecdoche Referring to one part of something as a way to refer to the whole. "Ask for her hand" is a synecdoche for marriage; the "hand" stands in for the whole woman. Understatement Deliberately minimizing something, usually for humorous effect. "My mom's a little bit irritated I crashed the car- I'm grounded for the next twenty-four months." The Angry Storm: a story of personification. How to Learn and Use AP Language Terms You might be tempted to bust out some flashcards, do some aggressive memorization, and call yourself finished. However, that's really only the first step of the three-step process of actually learning AP Lang terms. Step 1: Learn Rhetorical Terms As you initially try to familiarize yourself with these terms and what they mean, it's fine to make flashcards. You could use the term on one side and the definition on the other, or the definition and the example from the chart on one side and the term on the other- whatever's easier for you. You could make physical flashcards if you like to learn things with a tactile element involved, but for the sake of convenience you might consider making online flashcards at a site like Quizlet, where a free account lets you make and save flash cards and then quiz yourself with a variety of games and strategies. When you know the terms and their definitions inside and out, you're ready to move on to the next step. Step 2: Identify Rhetorical Strategies and Devices Next, you need to work on identifying rhetorical strategies and devices in actual written works. Make an effort when you read to seek out examples of the different rhetorical techniques at work. And think about the larger context of the piece: what's the author's purpose in writing this piece? Is the speaker the same as the author? What genre is it? What devices are being used repeatedly? You might try jotting down your thoughts about how pieces you read are using rhetorical devices. When you feel you can consistently identify these strategies at work in the writing of others, it's time to try your hand at using them yourself. Step 3: Deploy Rhetorical Strategies and Devices Once you feel you have a handle on identifying a given device/concept in other pieces, it's time to think about using it in your own writing. Consider your own purpose and argument when you write. Think about audience. Deploy hyperbole and irony. See what works and what doesn't. Trying to apply the terms will help you learn the concepts much better than simple memorization. Deploy rhetorical parachutes! Final Thoughts: AP Language and Composition Terms There are so many rhetorical terms that it can be hard to determine which ones you need to know for AP Language and Composition! This list gives you an overview of all the essential AP English Language and Composition vocabulary. When you're trying to learn these concepts, it's better to try to apply them- by seeing how other authors use them and using them in your own writing- than to just memorize the terms and their definitions. The important thing is to understand the concepts, not just know the terms! What's Next? If you're also taking AP Literature, see our ultimate guide to the AP English Literature test and our AP Literature Reading List. Make sure to also refresh your understanding of point-of-view in literature with this primer and take a spin through our list of the literary elements you'll find in every story. Studying poetry in a(n) English/Literature/Language Arts class? Whether you're reading "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas or a Shakespearean sonnet, you're going to want to make sure you know important poetic devices and terms like assonance and iambic pentameter, just to name a few. We can help if you're not sure how to study for AP exams. Looking for practice tests? See our complete lists for AP Human Geography, AP Literature, AP US History, AP Chemistry, AP Biology,AP Psychology, and AP World History. Or see our guide to finding the best AP practice tests for any exam. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Impact of Globalisation in High Education Essay

Impact of Globalisation in High Education - Essay Example The facet of globalization has been found to engage the transformation of international markets that are carrying out its business operations on a real time basis in widespread financial structures followed by unparalleled degree in relation to Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) and even global mobility in terms of production. Apart from being involved with the mentioned rudiments, globalization in the recent times is measured to be greatly dependent on the global communication structures, knowledge, information, along with culture. The underlying notion of globalization has been explained as the actuality that is formed or created with the help of a soaring incorporated global economy, fresh information along with communication technology. It is in this context that the certainties with regard to the 21st century have triggered the amplification of the imperativeness related to the international context. The English language, in this regards, has been measured to be the overriding or prevailing language with respect to scientific form of communication. The factor of technology is considered to be an integral part of globalization as a worldwide way of immediate contact accompanied by easy type of scientific communication has been found to be triggered with the introduction of modern technology. Therefore, it can be well comprehended from the stated depiction that the significance and requirement of technology are gauged to be an integral part of present globalization in comparison to the past.... All these mentioned factors are found to display an inclination towards a sole global community. The underlying notion of globalisation has been explained as the actuality that is formed or created with the help of a soaring incorporated global economy, fresh information along with communication technology. It is in this context that the certainties with regard to the 21st century have triggered the amplification of the imperativeness related to the international context. The English language, in this regards, has been measured to be the overriding or prevailing language with respect to scientific form of communication. The factor of technology is considered to be an integral part of globalisation as a worldwide way of immediate contact accompanied by easy type of scientific communication has been found to be triggered with the introduction of modern technology. Therefore, it can be well comprehended from the stated depiction that the significance and requirement of technology is gau ged to be an integral part of present globalisation in comparison to the past (Altbach & et. al., 2009). Students as Stakeholders of Higher Education Sector The students are believed to comprise of the majority stakeholder group with respect to the facet of higher education across the globe. During the past decade, key alterations and moves have been recorded in terms of demographic makeup, goals and prospects in relation to the populace of the students worldwide. These forms of growth have been known to have put forth noteworthy pressure on the structural procedures followed by individual institutions with regard to the factor of higher education in several countries. Endeavours to react to fresh student

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Steel Prices on the World Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Steel Prices on the World Market - Essay Example i) Number of Steel Plants (Over supply caused reduction in plants via bankruptcies, mergers and plant concentration) Increase of Supply can only be achieved by increasing production capacity via (i) more plants (slow process as lead time is many years due to cost, market entry barriers via government regulations, environmental regulations, investment capital requirement to finance installations, complex mechanics), or (ii) increase of productivity within the plants (possible to a certain extent only until capacity is maxed out, The question of steel Prices has moved into the center of attention of the economic world since they started skyrocketing over the last 2 to 3 years. As steel is at the core of a large number of products, increases in the base product have a tremendous effect on the prices of subsequent product and thus on several price indices. In the extreme, certain business areas can be largely effected by shortages and price increases, strongly influencing their overall profitability and ultimately, in certain cases, threatening their survival. In the following I would like to investigate some of the causes, effects and remedies of this phenomenon and will attempt to make some predictions as to its future development. So while both primary and fu... As steel is at the core of a large number of products, increases in the base product have a tremendous effect on the prices of subsequent product and thus on several price indices. In the extreme, certain business areas can be largely effected by shortages and price increases, strongly influencing their overall profitability and ultimately, in certain cases, threatening their survival. In the following I would like to investigate some of the causes, effects and remedies of this phenomenon and will attempt to make some predictions as to its future development. It is being reported that steel price is one of the major contributors to the overall increase in wholesale price index. A little analysis would put the thing in right perspective. Item Weight Index on 24.7.04 (Base:1993-94=100) % Growth over last year % Contribution to price rise All Commodities 100 186.2 7.5 Primary Articles 22.02 191.0 6.3 1.4 Fuel, Power, Lubricants etc 14.23 274.4 10.0 1.4 Manufactured Products 63.75 164.9 7.1 4.53 Iron & Steel 3.64 240.9 45.0 1.6 So while both primary and fuel have contributed 1.4 percent each to 7.5 percent increase in WPI indices during the last one year, the prices of manufactured products has led to a 4.53 percent growth in prices. And out of the manufactured product prices, the prices of iron and steel items have contributed 1.6 percent to the overall price rise. This implies that around 21 percent of the general price rise in the last one year has been accounted for by prices of iron and steel. Under any counts this is substantial and unprecedented. The direct linkage of domestic steel prices with international prices is frequently being cited as the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

On the Sidewalk Bleeding Monuloge Essay Example for Free

On the Sidewalk Bleeding Monuloge Essay All I feel is the excruciating pain entering my aching body. The irritation and agony makes me feel defenceless. I have a multitude of varied thoughts racing through my confused mind. As I am helplessly laying on the cold, wet concrete, with the rain drilling down on me, I am thinking if this is how I am going to die, my life over at the age of just 16. I can think back and faintly remember someone saying, â€Å"that’s for you royal!† and just thinking to myself, if I was not wearing this stupid jacket that I once thought was so important, I perchance wouldn’t have even been in this discomforting situation. All I can do at this point is helplessly lay here praying for someone to find me. Then finally I take a great effort and look over to the end of the street though the rain blurring my vision and see the bright neon lights of a vehicle binding me. I feel a massive relief, I see two figures coming toward me I try to yell again but they seem to just be talking to each other. I want to get their attention but all the sound I can make is the bubbling of blood filing my mouth, as if I am drowning in my own vital fluid. It sounds like the grunt of an animal and that’s the only sound I am capable of making in this state. I start to panic because the people aren’t recognising that I am there, after I take all my energy and frustration to get their attention they look at me for a little then they mutter to each other, I can’t understand much they are mumbling about. I just feel powerless hoping he will make the right decision and just get a cop or hep me. He looks at me, my cut body and the rain soaking my purple royals jacket. He sympathetically says, â€Å"Sorry royal,† and walks away. At this very moment I feel frustrated, overwhelmingly confused with anger and abundance. Is it that big of a deal that I am a royal? I am not just a royal, I am Andy. I feel drastically judged and labelled. Right now I will do anything and everything I am physically capable of just to take this jacket off, the only thing that jacket ever did to me was rob me of my life.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Olympic Athlete :: essays research papers

The Olympic Athlete I always have respected Olympic athletes, for they spend all their time training. Victorious athletes were professionals in the sense that they lived off the glory of their achievement ever afterwards. Their hometowns might reward them with: free meals for the rest of their lives, honorary appointments, or leadership positions in the community. The victors were memorialized in statues and also in victory songs, and commissioned from famous poets. Today, the Olympic Games are the world's largest pageant of athletic skill and competitive spirit. They are also displays of nationalism, commerce and politics. These two opposing elements of the Olympics are not a modern invention. The conflict between the Olympic movement's high ideals and the commercialism or political acts, which accompany the Games, has been noted since ancient times. The ancient Olympic Games, part of a major religious festival honoring Zeus, the chief Greek god, were the biggest events in their world. They were the scenes of political rivalries between people from different parts of the Greek world, and the site of controversies, boasts, public announcements and humiliations. Ancient athletes competed as individuals, not on national teams, as in the modern Games. The emphasis on individual athletic achievement through public competition was related to the Greek ideal of excellence, called "arete". Aristocratic men who attained this ideal, through their outstanding words or deeds, won permanent glory and fame. Those who failed to measure up to this code feared public shame and disgrace. Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in the ancient Greek world. Since athletic contests were one way that the ancient Greeks honored their gods, it was logical to hold a recurring athletic competition at the site of a major temple. Also, Olympia is convenient geographically to reach by ship, which was a major concern for the Greeks. Athletes and spectators traveled from Greek colonies as far away as modern-day Spain, the Black Sea, or Egypt. Athletics were a key part of education in ancient Greece. Many Greeks believed that developing the body was equally important as improving the mind for overall health. Also, regular exercise was important in a society where men were always needed for military service. Plato's Laws specifically mentions how athletics greatly improved military skills. Greek youth therefore worked out in the palaestra (wrestling-school) whether they were serious Olympic contenders or not. Ancient competitors were required to train at Olympia for a month before the Games officially started, like modern competitors at the Olympic. Young men worked with athletic trainers who used long sticks to point out incorrect body

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Movie Review of Maria Full of Grace and De Nadie Essay

Maria Full of Grace is a film by Joshua Marston revealing drug trafficking world. The desperation of people sue to poverty is depicted well in this movie Columbian drug lords use mules to transport cocaine to the U. S. Mules are actually humans used to carry drugs to be transported to other countries without being detected. The mechanism is through the ingestion of capsules containing the product and stores it in the mule’s stomach, after which it will be expelled. Many people are attracted to this type of job because the drug lords will try to convince you that the job is easy plus it involves a large amount of money in exchange of your service to them. However, if any of the drug products was lost during the transport, you will have to deal with the brutal consequences and it means exchange of your life or your family’s life as the mules are no more important as any other plastic containers (Berardinelli, 2004, p. n. pag. ). Maria, performed by Catalina Sandino Moreno is a 17-year old young girl who hates her job as a â€Å"de-thorner† in a factory. Her family that includes her mother, grandmother, and unmarried sister however relies on Maria’s salary to survive. Maria then quits her lifeless job and finds out that she is pregnant but her boyfriend refuses to marry her. After this devastating event of her life, she accepted the offer a man gave her to be a mule of the Columbian-New York run. Together with two young girls Blanca (Yenny Paola Vega), and Lucy (Guilied Lopez), Maria thought the job was easy and was blinded by the money she will earn in this type of job. In addition, Lucy grabs the opportunity to go to New York to reunite with her sister. The three girls were not forced to be in this kind of business; they chose their own path because of their greed and need for money. They thought of United States as their only way out of poverty especially Maria as she prepares herself for her unborn unwanted child (Berardinelli, 2004, p. n. pag. ). The dramatization built by Marston in the film is flawless as he developed each character. The story is very moving as it is very realistic because of the increasing poverty in third-world countries. Moreno gives a memorable performance as she flawlessly portrayed Maria as a hopeless, desperate and selfish girl who greed for money (Berardinelli, 2004, p. n. pag. ). De Nadie Another documentary film showing the desperation of people driven by poverty is De Nadie. This film directed by Tim Dirdamal brings us to the world of migrants from South America looking for a way to enter North America. They believe that migration to the United States is the only way to get rid of poverty. However, their search for a route is often illegal and migrates from the Central America who initially has to cross Mexico before going to United States are given less attention (Coupeau, 2006, p. n. pag. ). The process of migration is by a fast moving cargo train crossing the Mexican territory. However, many aspiring migrants die or amputated as they fall and pushed off the fast moving train. This unimaginable risk is taken by those people as a solution to their miserable poor life. Se Maria, a Honduran migrant whose life was changed after seeking help in the hands of a group of Mexican nuns who conducted a fund raising activity using raffle draws. Madres de la Patrona gave food to the immigrants taking risks to enter United States (Coupeau, 2006, p. n. pag. ). . Compare and Contrast Both films are political as they expose the desperation of many people in order to escape poverty. The directors are not biased in their portrayal of poverty and the hopelessness and greed of people for money. Also, the aspiration of many people from all countries to go to United States is because of their belief that when you go to U. S, poverty will go away. What they don’t know is due to global crisis, many people in the U. S are now unemployed and also experiencing financial problems. Both Maria Full of Grace and De Navie showed that people’s principles are easily swayed when money is involved. The natural greed of humans to money made the characters Maria, Blanca and Lucy of Maria Full of Grace and Maria of De Navierisk their lives. They took what they though the one chance that will get them out of their miserable lives. Also, both are very realistic films since it cannot be denied that drug trafficking and illegal immigrations are two of the most known illegitimate money-making businesses. Both films showed that no one is to be blamed other than yourself because it was shown in both movies that no one forced the characters to enter drug trafficking and illegal immigration. Although they are both victims of poverty, they are not innocent victims of drug trafficking and illegal immigration. I find Maria Full of Grace more moving than De Navie since more lives are ruined in drug trafficking than in illegal immigration. Drug trafficking is a more serious problem in that the mules that act as carriers of drugs doesn’t realize that they are tolerating the business that ruins many lives and families. Bibliography Berardinelli, J. (2004). Maria Full of Grace. Retrieved May 2, 2010, from http://www. reelviews. net/movies/m/maria_full. html Coupeau, D. S. (2006, August 2006). Alterinfos America Latina. Retrieved May 2, 2010, from http://www. alterinfos. org/spip. php? article465

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Social Studies Sba on Alcohol Abuse

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The successful completion of this study is as a result of the helping hands of numerous individuals. I thank the people of Community X for their massive cooperation in answering the questionnaires given. Also , to my friends, who helped with the distribution of the questionnaires and my family for the giving me the hope and strength to persevere. Lastly, much gratitude is extended to my teacher for guiding me in every step of the way throughout my investigations.Social studies SCHOOL BASED ASSESSEMENT (S. B. A. ) [pic] Statement of the Problem What are the causes, effects and solutions of the usage of alcohol amongst individuals of Community X? Method of Investigation I have chosen the questionnaire as a means of collecting data to carry out the survey.The questionnaire has numerous advantages which include the following: †¢ It is done at the convenience of the person completing it. †¢ Requires very little time to be completed. †¢ Guarantees confiden tiality , since no names are required. Instrument used to collect Data Copy Of Questionnaire Survey of alcohol usage among individuals in Community X. Dear Villager,This is a survey being carried out in Community X to determine the level of alcohol usage among individuals in the community. This study I am currently pursuing, is conducted as an assignment for a Social Studies course. I advise you to answer the questions given, truthfully and honestly since you are not required to write names.There are no wrong or right answers as this is not a test. Most answers require a tick in the small boxes provided ; read the questions carefully. Villager’s Questionnaire 1. Sex Male Female 2. What is your occupation? ____________ 3. To what Ethnic group do you belong?African Descent Chinese Descent Indian Descent Mixed Descent 4. How long have you been a member of Community X? __________________ 5. To what age group do you belong? Under 12 12-14 15-16 17-19 6.As a youth, which of the following influences you to consume alcohol? Peer pressure For the fun of it Out of curiosity Depression 7. When do you often consume alcohol? Special Occasions Partying To gain popularity I do not drink alcohol . Do problems in the home contribute to students drinking alcohol? Yes No 9. What normally happens when you consume alcoholic beverages? I feel tipsy I feel normal I have headaches I do not drink alcohol 10. How do you think the students of Community X get alcoholic beverages?It is made available at community shops An older sibling/friend is asked to purchase it for them They steal it away They are given the consent 11. What is the most common effect caused by drinking? STD’s Being an alcoholic Having Heart disease Death 2. What effect does known cases of alcohol drinking in Community X, have on the rest of its population? _________________________________________________ . 13. How does alcohol consumption affect a student’s academic performance? T hey work less Nothing is done They work harder They give up on school 14. Do students who drink alcohol show signs of aggressive behaviour? Yes No 15.What do you suggest to your fellow community members who have already started to drink? Tone down their intake Drink responsibly Stop drinking Seek professional help 16. Should the age of consent for drinking be increased? Yes No 17. Do you think Rehabilitation Centers should be considered for alcoholics?Yes, but it will not be fully effective No, It will not help Let them suffer the consequences Have counsel sessions instead Presentation and Interpretation of Data [pic]Fig 1. The causes of alcohol consumption is simply represented in Fig 1; this figure briefly explains that 45% of the people in Community X consume alcoholic beverages for minor influences as the simple fun and njoyment that comes with the pleasures of drinking. One the other hand, 20% indicate that the partake of the activity as a result of Peer Pressure where individu als, mostly teenagers, drink because they either think it is â€Å"cool† or o prove a point. However, 30% population specified that they â€Å"drink† for the little curiosity of finding out what other individuals get, feel or benefit from it, this being. Mainly just experimenting the activity. A smaller 5% say they drink alcohol because of Depression because alcohol is known to somewhat relieve the stress that causes Depression. pic]Fig2 Whereby the effects of consuming Alcohol are concerned, almost half of the population indicate that no harm is done, as 55% of them feel normal after their intake of the substance. And so, this could be one of the reasons, the level of consumption in the community should be monitored. 5 % of them say they feel tipsy, an eerie felling, that may cause them to intake alcohol regularly. However, a few of them seem to be affected as 10% of the population state that they have headaches which may discourage them to do so. Another 10% indicate that they simply do not drink alcohol, mainly because of religion and other personal reasons. pic]Fig3 In order to manage the level of alcohol usage in Community X. Fig 3 shows that 70% of Its members indicate that the individuals who already drinking, should drink responsibly Suggesting that they should look at the consequences of whether it be becoming an alcoholic or getting drunk. Another 15% say they these individuals should simply tone down their intake of by drinking less of the substance.On the other hand, the remainder of the population , 15%, indicated more drastic measures to the solution. Fig 3 shows that 10% of them say people should just stop drinking while the other 5% believe they should seek professional help. These responses therefore can be interpreted as the respondents knowing someone who drink too much.Procedures Used to Collect Data Community X has an estimated number of 130 individuals; due to calculations, it was discovered that 15% of the population was needed in order to gather possible causes, effects, and solutions to the level of alcohol usage in the community. That is, ( 15% of 130 =20 ) Therefore, a total of 35 questionnaires were distributed with the expectation that at least 20 would be returned. Later, it was decided that the questionnaires be given to random personnel.This resulted in the recording of information on each individual on small pieces of paper, placed in a box, shaken and a total of 35 slips were selected. Therefore, 35 individuals received a copy of the questionnaire, were successfully completed and left in my mailbox 4 Hart Rd. Cheleston Gardens. Findings The survey carried out resulted in numerous interesting discoveries due to the level of alcohol usage in Community X. These state: Alcohol is consumed mainly through social activities where 70% of the individuals indicate that they partake of alcoholic beverages when â€Å"partying†. †¢ The most common effect known caused by drinking is neutral between 1. Becoming an alcoholic 2. Being sexually active at an early age. Which was I therefore observed that the questionnaires have revealed a 50-50% ratio. †¢ The individuals of Community X believe that in order for the level of alcohol be decreased, Rehabilitation Centers should be established.However, all 100% of the people who agree, stated that it will not be fully effective for the common reason that the alcoholics will not endure the necessary procedures that will be required. Recommendations The level of alcohol usage should not be taken lightly, as many young people in Community X are partaking of the activity when are far too young to be drinking.That said, I would recommend to this community that the decreasing level of alcohol us be accomplished through two simple objectives. These objectives include: ? Allowing adults of the community to take on leadership qualities whereby they look out for children who they see with alcoholic beverages and hinder them from c onsuming it. More specifically to shopkeepers, since in recent survey it is proven that most individuals especially children receive alcohol by the availability of such beverages in the community shops. Talk to individuals about drinking as little talks can do great things. There are people who are willing to listen. Parents will see to it that their children go to these sessions and ensure that they understand the dangers of drinking. ———————– Pie Chart Showing Causes Of Alcohol Consumption 20% 30% 5% 45% Peer Pressure Out of Curiosity Depression For the fun of it Chart Showing Effects of Alcohol Consumption In Community X. I feel tipsy 25% I have headaches 10% I feel normal 55% I do not drink alcohol 10% I feel tipsy I have headaches I feel normal I do not drink alcohol

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Plays of Agatha Christie

The Plays of Agatha Christie Agatha Christie wrote more best-selling crime novels than any other writer. As if that weren’t enough, in the 1930s she began a â€Å"second career† as a record-breaking playwright. Here is a glimpse of the best mystery plays by the master plot-twister herself. Murder at the Vicarage Based on Agatha Christie’s novel, the play was adapted by Moie Charles and Barabra Toy. However, according to biographers, Christie assisted with the writing and attended many of the rehearsals. This mystery features the elderly heroine Miss Marple, a rather gossipy old woman with a knack for solving crimes. Many of the characters underestimate Miss Marple, believing her to be too confused for detective work. But it’s all a ruse – the ol’ gal is as sharp as a tack! Murder on the Nile This is my favorite of the Hercule Peroit mysteries. Peroit is a brilliant and often snooty Belgian detective who appeared in 33 Agatha Christie novels. The play takes place on board a palace steamer traveling down the exotic Nile River. The passenger roster contains vengeful ex-lovers, devious husbands, jewel thieves, and several soon-to-be corpses. Witness for the Prosecution One of the best courtroom dramas ever written, Agatha Christie’s play provides mystery, surprise, and a fascinating look at the British justice system. I remember watching the 1957 film version of Witness for the Prosecution starring Charles Laughton as the cunning barrister. I must have gasped three different times at each astounding twist in the plot! (And no, I don’t gasp easily.) And Then There Were None (or, Ten Little Indians) If you think the title â€Å"Ten Little Indians† is politically incorrect, then you’ll be aghast to discover the original title of this famous Agatha Christie play. Controversial titles aside, the plot of this mystery is marvelously sinister. Ten people with deep, dark pasts arrive at a wealthy estate hidden away on a remote island. One by one, the guests are picked off by an unknown murderer. For those of you who like their theater bloody, And Then There Were None has the highest body count of the Agatha Christie plays. The Mousetrap This Agatha Christie play has earned a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. It is the longest running play in the history of theater. Since its initial run, The Mousetrap has been performed over 24,000 times. It premiered in 1952, transferred to several theaters without ending its run, and then found a seemingly permanent home at the St. Martin Theater. Two of the actors, David Raven and Mysie Monte, played the roles of Mrs. Boyle and Major Metcalf for over 11 years. At the end of each performance, the audience is asked to keep The Mousetrap a secret. Therefore, in honor of Agatha Christie’s mystery plays, I will remain silent about the plot. All I will say is that if you are ever in London and you want to watch a delightful, old-fashioned mystery, then you should definitely watch The Mousetrap.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

CoSchedule 2016 10 Huge Milestones + A Lot More Yet to Come

2016 10 Huge Milestones + A Lot More Yet to Come Its that time of year to reflect. And here at , there is a lot to reflect on. In 2016, the Customer Success team: Hosted  21.2k conversations with users +  fans. Published 68 new  help docs. Responded  to most inquiries  in 40 minutes or less! Props to Customer Success! The Marketing team: Reached 125k+ active email subscribers. Gained 1M+ monthly page views. Generated 3,500 monthly trial signups. And we couldnt have done it without an amazing tool to share with marketers like you. So I thought Id  give our Product team a huge thank you, and share with you  some of the huge milestones theyve built into . The developers  and designers behind the scenes at are some of the most amazing people Ive had the opportunity to work with. Theyve done a great job of  making smarter and more holistic in 2016! Lets take a look: 3/8/16 Schedule Pins To Pinterest In The Calendar Where You Organize Everything Else Pinterest scheduling was your #1 most-requested feature at the beginning of 2016! So it was a ton of fun to  include  the functionality to schedule Pins to Pinterest alongside your other social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Tumblr. Pinning consistently is a key part of success on Pinterest. Now you can Pin more often while saving time as you strategically plan your Pinterest posting schedule. You can even connect  multiple accounts and all the boards for those accounts, too! Pinterest scheduling makes a great way to consolidate your toolset. ;)Did you know you can schedule Pins to Pinterest with ?4/12/16 Post To Every Social Network At The Best Time (w/out The Manual  Busywork) Posting to social media at the best times will increase your engagement. And  in 2016,  we crunched the data (so you dont have to) and uncovered the best times to post on every social network. Then we built that into for ya! Best Time Scheduling takes the guesswork out of knowing when to post. Its a win-win: You automatically post at the best times to increase your engagement and get your time back to focus on doing the work you really love (instead of tedious tasks). Its pretty simple. And extremely powerful. I think about it like this: When you automate the mechanics, you save time you can  use better on more important work. Thats the beauty of Best Time Scheduling in .Automagically post at the best times for every social network with !4/26/16 Schedule Dozens Of Messages In A Few Easy Minutes With Social Templates After  you started using the social queue in , many  of you requested a way to save your queue as a reusable template. That was a great idea (so thanks for suggesting it!). Social Templates  was a super fun project to launch in 2016 to help you eliminate the tedious process of manual social media scheduling. Here are a few great use cases that are perfect for  Social Templates: You always share the blog posts you publish. Create a reusable Social Template to consistently share your blog posts on all of your social networks more than once. Do you host a Twitter chat? Social Templates make it easy to focus on writing great questions rather than manually scheduling the Tweets for every chat. Maybe now is the best time to start one! Hosting webinars? Promote your signup pages easily with a specific template for webinars. Do you write  guest blog posts? Share that content with your following consistently with a Social Template for your guest posts. Save tons of time  by scheduling social media messages in bulk with Social Templates!Schedule social messages in bulk with Social Templates from !6/21/16 Organize Your Social Campaigns All In 1  Place Youve got events, contests, blog posts, landing pages, and a whole lot more to share on social media. Soooo. Instead of managing a single social message as a project, isnt it easier to manage a campaign as a project? Thats the big idea behind Social Campaigns: The perfect way to organize a group of social media messages into a single project your entire team can collaborate on. You get a birds eye view of everything involved in a campaign, making it easy to review all of the messages quickly. You can even create custom workflows for your campaigns and  discuss right in (eliminating endless email CCs, thank goodness).Organize social media projects in 1 place with Social Campaigns in !10/13/16 Organize Your  Social Video Projects To Get Even More Engagement Its not a secret people love watching video on social media in 2016. So we wanted to make it easier than ever for you to plan, organize, execute, and schedule  video content to your social networks. Cue: Social Video. ^ See what I did there? ;) Now you can manage social video projects right in the marketing calendar where you manage everything else. Simply upload your videos and share them to all your social networks. This works amazingly well with other features like Social Campaigns, Social Templates, and Best Time Scheduling. Youll organize everything + increase your engagement!Organize your social video projects + get more engagement with !10/20/16  Tag Facebook Pages And Twitter Handles To Boost Engagement Social Tagging was another HUGE request from you in 2016! So it was a blast to see it come to life in your favorite marketing calendar this year. ;) Now you can search for Facebook Pages and Twitter handles as you write your social media messages. Forget about jumping to the social networks (or worse- guessing and getting it wrong)! Just type your @ and the first characters of the social profile. will intelligently search for the tag for you!Tag Facebook Pages and Twitter handles with !10/25/16 Prove The ROI Of The Work You Do With Social Analytics When you heard we were going to build social media analytics into , tons of you told us: I would use social engagement analytics to decide what content to re-share and decide what to write more of. That was excellent feedback to help us build the best kinds of social media analytics into your marketing calendar! Now youll: Measure  the success of every social media message you share. Its awesome to see which messages get the most comments, shares, and likes so you know whats working (and whats not). Never question the results of your hard work! You create tons of value with  your social media strategy, and now you can easily prove the ROI of the work you do to your boss/clients (and yourself). Discover trends with your content, specific social media messages, networks, and more. Do it all without the time-suck and stress by monitoring  your performance  in one place where you manage everything else. Its pretty awesome to see and compare your performance across your content, networks, and messages in one convenient place.Prove the ROI of the work you do with Social Analytics in !11/01/16 All-New Content Creator And User Experience has always  focused on  helping you organize your content + social media projects. With the new content creator, you got the chance to organize everything even easier than before. Now you can hide things youre not working on (or needing to see) to clean up your digital workspace. And collaboration is even easier than ever before with improved workflows and task management. Organize every marketing project with  Google Docs, Evernote, WordPress, and the all-new built-in editor. And now you can also upload files for any other kind of project, too- like Microsoft word, image files, and more. Work smarter with the new content editor in !11/08/16 Automatically Re-Share Your Social Messages With ReQueue ReQueue is the most intelligent way to automate your social media. It  helps you craft your social media messages  once, then  automatically fills in the gaps in your posting schedule. Lets just say you want to send 15 tweets a day to your Twitter account, but you only have five scheduled for today. ReQueue will find the missing 10 gaps, and re-share 10  tweets (youve strategically selected) at the best times for engagement. Talk about maximizing your time, effort, and content! This was a super fun project for us because we beta tested the  feature,  looked for your feedback, and  rebuilt it even better based on your expectations. Thanks again for  helping us build the product you need to organize all of your social media + content! With ReQueue, youll: Set it and forget it! Youll craft  your messages, add them to ReQueue, and automatically share. Get more mileage out of your social media messages. You put time into  creating your social media content, and now youll get bigger results from your effort. Automatically reuse your best social media messages. ReQueue takes the guesswork out of knowing how often to post every day by doing it for you with the content youve chosen (based on analytics). Easily re-promote your evergreen content. Some content is timeless, and more social shares can help that classic content reach a larger audience. Now youll  craft your social media messages once,  organize them in a ReQueue group, and will automatically re-share that content at the best times for engagement! Automatically re-share your social media messages with !11/30/16 Schedule Instagram Posts (Alongside Everything Else) Many of you requested a way to schedule your posts to Instagram. Our product designers and developers  took your  feedback and built the  mobile app that makes scheduling to Instagram a breeze. Thanks! Those gals and guys  love building the features youve requested. ;) With Instagram scheduling in , youll: Quit forgetting to post on Instagram! Now youll  get push notifications when its time to post. Schedule Instagram messages alongside all of your other social networks. Its the best way to manage multiple social media accounts in one place. Go from haphazard to strategic. Plan your Instagram posting schedule well in advance to strategize your content and post it at the best times for engagement. Collaborate more efficiently than ever on Instagram projects. Your team will work together better than ever with customizable workflows, discussion, and one version of truth. When you combine Instagram scheduling with ReQueue and a drag-and-drop editorial calendar, you have the most complete social media publishing tool in the world.Consolidate your toolset with Instagram Scheduling in !  + A Lot Of Other Enhancements Happened Throughout 2016 The Product team that builds also put a ton of effort into making faster and easier to use. You may have noticed improvements here and there, which is something  they do all the time. In fact, the Product team  pushed new code to nearly every business day in 2016. For you, that means a product that never grows stagnant and one that constantly  iterates and improves. Im sending a big thank you (just one more time!) to the Product team that makes all of this excitement possible. You guys and gals are awesome! + A Lot More Is Yet To Come In 2017 Looking back on 2016 has been a lot of fun. But Im even more excited looking forward to 2017. Tons of amazing #SocialMedia functionality came to in 2016. And since has always been about organizing content + social better than ever In 2017, you can expect Custom content types  to help you plan, organize,  and execute even more marketing projects in one  place. Speaking of marketing projects soon youll have an even more advanced way to manage multiple pieces of content as marketing campaigns. Analytics will continue to grow with more reports for team management and content publishing. Email marketing to help you execute your campaigns better than ever in the marketing calendar where you manage everything else. Approval workflows to help you execute projects faster w/out time-sucking  hangups. What marketing projects will you organize in 2017?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example Several scenes from the movie Shawshank Redemption give rise for ethical reflection. In the scene where Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) offered financial advice to Captain Hadley (Clancy Brown), Andy almost got himself killed trying to argue his point across. Eventually, Andy was able to secure his position among the guards and, also, his inmates by giving them a "night of freedom", drinking beers on the rooftop. Andy's "self-sacrifice" proves to be questionable based on Kant's Ethics on Good Will. According to Kant, an action can only be perceived as done in "good will" if the rational being has the right reasons behind his actions-the right reason being honor bound by duty to do the right thing when a person is in power to affect a change. Since the motive behind Andy's actions is questionable, the act is therefore, morally incorrect. On the other hand, from the virtue theorists' point of view, the nature of man is too complex to put an exact science upon. For them, the question of ethics relies heavily upon a man's character and since Andy Dufresne is dominantly good, he is bound to act morally and perform good deeds. This theory is further strengthened in the part where Andy helped a new inmate, Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows), gain his high school diploma in the In addition and, in sharp contrast against Kant's theory, ethical egoism allows for the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Risk Management and Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Risk Management and Investment - Essay Example Barclays has been able to acquire assets of the most competitive banks such as the Absa Group Limited in South Africa and bought about 54% of Juniper Bank (Davidoff 2012, p.42). On the other hand, Standard bank acquired Union Bank of Pakistan taking more than 81% of its assets. This strategy is not only aimed at perpetuating return on investment but also increasing the competitive advantage of the bank. Barclays bank has however been through some of the most difficult moments since its inception. In 2011, the bank suffered a loss of about 1.04 billion pounds (Treanor 2012, p. 4). This loss prompted the company to take objective measures aimed at minimizing the cost of operation. Between 2011 to-date, the bank cut more than 6,700 jobs as a way of addressing its challenges. Currently, market capitalization stands at about 54.75 billion. The dividends and earning per share have been dwindling since 2007 (Shankleman 2009, p.78). The management understands the role played by such factors as far as attracting investors and customers is concerned. This explains why the management has maintained its dividends at 6.50p and EPS at 34.50p despite the financial challenges. Risk management factors such as a focus on return on investment, customer satisfaction, leadership, and cutting on the cost of operation will be imperative. This will enable the bank to realize its objectives and become one of the most performing financial institutions in the world.The Barclays bank is one of the oldest of all banks that still stands strong. It has among the top 10 most active and performing banks in the world. Founded in 1690, the bank has subsidiaries in about 50 countries worldwide (Werdigier 2007, p.61). The old mutual on the other hand commenced its operations in 1845, making it one of the oldest financial institutions in Africa. With its headquarters in London, the Standard Bank serves more than 70 countries worldwide and millions of customers. On the other hand, Barclays Bank empl oyed thousands of professionals throughout the world to provide services to its more than 48 million customers.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Just-In-Time Inventory Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Just-In-Time Inventory Management - Assignment Example An automated inventory replenishment system would also aid in quick responses to reduced inventory levels. The manner through which firms arrange their human resource and jobs for functionality is known as the organizational structure. The best organizational structure is determined by various factors such as the nature of work, number of employees, and range of businesses. A small physician’s office may use a line organizational structure where there are only direct and vertical relationships between its various levels. The board of directors, physician (medical director), office manager, nurse practitioners, accountant, medical staff, and orderlies all fall underline departments. These departments are directly involved in achieving the primary goal of the office. The line organizational structure simplifies and clarifies authority, responsibility, and accountability relationships. Fast decision making is also promoted. A hospital with one large facility in a city may use the line and staff organizational structure. This structure is suitable due to the need for direct, vertical relationships between various levels as well as specialists that are tasked with providing advice to line managers. The hospital will have both staff and line departments, where the former will provide the latter with guidance and help in specialized areas. Lastly, a major, nationwide insurance company will use the divisional organizational structure that is usually adopted by big firms that cover a wide geographical area. Moreover, the company will have separate smaller divisions within the umbrella organization to cover different market areas. In this structure, the company can have a different basis for forming departments, such as; function, product, and geographic territory.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Controlling Of The Human Behaviour Philosophy Essay

Controlling Of The Human Behaviour Philosophy Essay The simply way out is to distribute with the industrial-technological scheme on the whole. This implies insurrection, not essentially an armed revolution, excluding surely a radical as well as fundamental modify in the natural world of society. Citizens tend to take for granted that because a insurrection involves a lot better change than reform does, it is more hard to carry about than reform is. In fact, below certain circumstances revolution is a lot easier than reform. The cause is that an innovative movement can motivate an intensity of obligation that a reform organization cannot inspire. A reform movement simply offers to resolve a exacting social difficulty A innovative movement offers to resolve all trouble at one stroke as well as produce a entire new world; it provides the type of ideal for which citizens will take huge risks plus make great sacrifices. In support of this reasons it would be a lot easier to bring down the entire technological system than to put effectual, everlasting restraints on the growth of request of any one division of technology, such as inherited engineering, however under suitable circumstances huge numbers of citizens may offer themselves single-mindedly to a insurrection aligned with the industrial-technological system. Reformers looking for to limited sure aspects of technology would be operational to avoid a negative result. Although revolutionaries work to increase an authoritative prize completion of their revolutionary vision as well as therefore work harder plus more constantly than reformers do. Reform is constantly reserved by the terror of hurting consequences if changes go too faraway. Other than once a revolutionary passion has taken clasp of a society, citizens are ready to experience unlimited hardships intended for the sake of their insurgency. This was obviously shown in the French as well as Russian Revolutions. It might be that in such personal belongings just a minority of the populace is really dedicated to the revolution, however this minority is satisfactorily large as well as active so that it becomes the leading force in society. As the establishment of civilization, prepared societies have had to place pressures on human beings of the sake of the performance of the social creature. The kinds of pressures vary really from one society to one more. A number of the pressures are substantial, several are psychological. In the history, human natural history has been about constant or at whichever rate has diverse just within positive bounds. Therefore, societies have been capable to push citizens merely up to certain restrictions. While the perimeter of human patience has been passed, things begin going incorrect: insurgence, or crime, or corruption, or avoidance of work, or despair along with other mental trouble, or an important death velocity, or a flagging birth rate or somewhat else, so that moreover the society breaks downwards, or its execution becomes too incompetent as well as it is (rapidly or gradually, from side to side conquest, eating away or evolution) replaces by a number of extra well-organized fo rm of society. Thus human character has in the history put certain restrictions on the growth of societies. Citizens could be pressed just so far as well as no farther. Except today this might be changing, for the reason that modern technology is developing means of modifying human beings. Visualize a society that subjects citizens to circumstances that make them terribly gloomy, as well as after that gives them the drugs to get away their sadness. It is previously experience to various extents in society. It is glowing known that the tempo of clinical hopelessness had been deeply increasing in current decades. It is supposed that this is appropriate to disturbance for the authority procedure. But still if one is in the wrong, the rising rate of depression is surely the consequence of a number of conditions that survive in todays society. as an alternative of removing the situation that make citizens depressed, contemporary society gives them antidepressant drugs. In consequence, antidepressants region a means of modifying an individuals interior state in such a technique as to allow him to stand social circumstances that he would or else find impossible. Drugs that have an effect on the mind are only one instance of the methods of domineering human activities that con temporary society is developing. Let us come across at a number of the other methods. To start off with, there are the techniques of observation. Hidden video cameras are at the present used in most stores as well as in many other places, computers are old to collect as well as process vast amounts of in sequence with reference to individuals. Information so obtained very much increase the efficiency of physical compulsion (i.e., law enforcement).Then convenient are the methods of misinformation, intended for which the mass communication media give effectual vehicles. Well-organized techniques have been developed for charming elections, selling commodities, influencing public view. The entertainment industry serves as a significant psychological instrument of the system, perhaps yet at what time it is dishing out huge amounts of sex along with violence. Entertainment provides contemporary man with an vital means of get away. Although fascinated in television, videos, and so on, they can not remember stress, anxiety, aggravation, dissatisfaction. A lot of primitive working class, while they dont have work to do, are rather contented to sit intended for hours at a time performance nothing at all, on behalf of the reason that they are at peace by means of themselves as well as their world. But mainly modern citizens must be continuously engaged or entertained, or else they get bored, i.e., they acquire fidgety, anxious, bad-tempered. Other techniques hit deeper that the previous. Education is no longer a easy affair of paddling a kids at the back when they doesnt know his lessons along with patting him on the head while they does know them. It is suitable a scientific technique intended for overprotective the childs development. Sylvan Learning Centres, for instance, have had huge achievement in exciting children to study, plus psychological techniques are also used among more or not as much of success in a lot of conservative schools. Parenting techniques that are qualified to parents are intended to make children believe fundamental standards of the system as well as behave in habits that the system finds attractive. Mental health programs, interference techniques, psychotherapy along with so forth are apparently designed to promote individuals, but in preparation they more often than not serve as methods for suggest individuals to think plus perform as the system requires. Child mistreatment in its gross as we ll as understandable forms is disapproved in mainly if not every one cultures. Tantalizing a child intended for a unimportant reason or no reason at all is a little that appals approximately everyone. But a lot of psychologists interpret the idea of abuse little more broadly. Is spanking, when worn as part of a sensible as well as reliable system of regulation, a structure of abuse? The question will eventually be determined by whether or not perfect tends to create behaviour that makes a being fit in well by means of the existing system of society. In preparation, the phrase abuse tends to be interpreted to comprise some method of child-rearing that produces performance not convenient for the system. Accordingly, when they go further than the avoidance of obvious, pointless cruelty, programs for preventing child abuse are concentrating toward the control of human performance of the system. Most probably, research will carry on increasing the efficiency of psychological techniques intended for overprotective human behaviour. However it is consideration to be unlikely that psychological techniques unaccompanied will be enough to regulate human beings to the type of society that expertise is creating. Biological methods almost certainly will have to be used. The study has previously mentioned the use of drugs in this association. Neurology might provide other avenues of modifying the human intelligence. Genetic engineering of human beings is previously beginning to happen in the appearance of gene therapy, as well as there is no motive to assume such methods will not finally be used to adjust those aspects of the remains that have an effect on mental functioning. Manufacturing society seems probable to be towards the inside a period of severe pressure, due in fraction to trouble of human behaviour as well as in part to economic plus environmental trouble. Along with a substantial amount of the systems economic as well as environmental effort result from the technique human beings act. Alienation, low self-worth, depression, aggression, rebellion; children who wont study, childhood gangs, against the law drug use, rape, child abuse , other crimes, dangerous sex, teen pregnancy, inhabitants growth, political corruption, race detestation, racial rivalry, bitter ideological disagreement (i.e., pro-choice vs. pro-life), opinionated extremism, terrorism, damage, anti-government groups, revulsion groups. All these intimidate the very continued existence of the system. The system will be strained to use each practical resources of controlling human behaviour. The social disturbance that can be seen today is surely not the consequence of simple chance. It can only be a effect for the situation of life that the system imposes on citizens. If the systems do well in impressive sufficient manage over human behaviour to guarantee its own continued existence, a new division in human history will have approved. Whereas previously the restrictions of human staying power have required restrictions on the development of societies, industrial-technological society will be capable to go by those restrictions by modifying human beings, whether by psychological methods otherwise biological methods or together. In the prospect, social systems will not be familiar to outfit the needs of human beings. In its place, human being will be familiar to ensemble the needs of the system. Usually speaking, technological manage over human behaviour will almost certainly not be introduced with a authoritarian meaning or even from side to side a conscious longing to restrict human independence. Every new step in the declaration of control in excess of the human mind will be taken as a based on reason response to a trouble that faces society, for instance curing alcoholism, reducing the crime velocity or suggest young people to study science plus engineering. In a lot of cases, there will be humanitarian explanation. Such as, when a psychiatrist prescribes an anti-depressant intended for a depressed patient, obviously doing that person a favour. It would be inhumane to hold back the drug starting an important person who needs it. When parentà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s placement their kids to Sylvan Learning Centres to have them manipulated into attractive excited about their studies, they do so on or after concern for their childrens interests. It can be that a qu antity of these parents desire that one didnt have to have particular training to get a job as well as that their kid didnt have to be brainwashed into becoming a computer nerd. However what can they do? They cant change society, as well as their child might be unemployable if he doesnt have positive skills. So they post him to Sylvan. Therefore control in excess of human behaviour will be introduced not by a intended decision of the establishment but through a procedure of social development (fast evolution, however). The procedure will be not possible to resist, for the reason that each advance, careful by it, will come into view to be valuable, or at smallest amount the evil concerned in making the press forward will come into view to be beneficial, or at smallest amount the evil concerned in creation the advance will appear to be less than that which would result since not making it. Propaganda such as is used for a lot of good purposes, such as off-putting child abuse or race hatred. Sex education is visibly useful, yet the result of sex education (to the amount that it is successful) is to take the determining of sexual attitudes absent from the family as well as put it into the hands of the state as represented through the public school system. Assume a biological attribute is discovered that increases the probability that a child will raise up to be a criminal plus suppose some sort of genetic material therapy can take out this trait. Of course most parents whose children contain the trait will have them experience the therapy. It would be inhumane to do or else, since the child would almost certainly have a depressed life if he grew up to be a criminal. Except many or largely primitive societies have a small crime rate in assessment with that of society, still though they have neither modern methods of child-rearing nor insensitive systems of punishment. Because there is no motive to presume that more modern men than primitive men have native greedy tendencies, the high crime rate of society must be due to the pressures that contemporary conditions put on people, to which a lot of cannot or will not adjust. Thus a action designed to remove possible criminal tendencies is at smallest amount in part a way of re-engineering citizens so that they suit the desires of the system. The society tends to look upon as a sickness several mode of deliberation or behaviour that is not convenient for the system as well as this is reasonable for the reason that when an individual doesnt fit into the system it causes hurt to the person as well as trouble for the system. Thus the direction of a person to regulate him to the organization is seen as a cure intended for a sickness as well as therefore as good. The study and points out that if the use of a original item of technology is originally optional, it does not automatically remain non-compulsory, because the innovative technology tends to modify society in such a means that it becomes hard or not possible for an individual to purpose without by means of that technology. This applies also to the knowledge of human behaviour. In a humankind in which mainly children are put through a program to make them excited in relation to studying, a parent will approximately be forced to put his kid throughout such a program, for the reason that if he does not, subsequently the kid will grow up to be, moderately speaking, an ignoramus as well as therefore unemployable. Or expect a biological behaviour is exposed that, without unwanted side-effects, will very much reduce the psychological stress as of which so many citizens suffer in their society. Conclusion: If huge numbers of citizens choose to experience the treatment, then the universal level of stress in society will be concentrated, so that it will be probable intended for the system to augment the stress-producing pressures. Actually, a little like this seems to have happened by now with one of the societys mainly important psychological equipment for enabling citizens to reduce (or at least temporarily run away from) stress, namely, mass activity. Use of mass activity is optional: No law requires us to watch TV, pay attention to the radio, read magazines. Up till now mass activity is a means of escape as well as stress-reduction on which mainly of us have become dependent relative. Everybody complains concerning the trashiness of TV, but approximately everyone watches it. A small number of have kicked the TV habit, except it would be a uncommon person who could acquire along today with no by means of some form of mass activity. Without the entertainment industry the organization a lmost certainly would not have been capable to get absent with putting as a great deal stress-producing stress on us as it does.